My name is lucy and I am 19 years old. I am supporting my fiancé Alan who is completing aircrew school right now in Pensacola, Florida. :) We met 8 years ago and have been dating for 4 years. He recently propsed at the O'hare airport in Chicago. My love graduated from RTC November 23. It was amazing seeing him then and for the holidays! I can't wait to find out when i'll see him again!
"There are millions of people in this world, but in the end it all comes down to one. I still panic sometimes, forget to breathe, but I know that there's something beautiful in my imperfections; the beauty that he held up for me to see. The strength that I will never be able to say." <3
I am here to support my
Spouse/Significant other
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
I miss you so much, I need you right now
I try to stay strong but some days I just don’t know how.
The weeks seem like months, and months like years.
I try to hold them back, but down flow the tears.
I keep myself busy through out the day
And when I am alone at night I just pray.
I pray you stay safe while your serving over seas.
At night while I sleep I see you in my dreams.
I think of happier times when you were here
When I could kiss your lips and hold you near.
I miss your smile and your warm embrace
When I see your name on the caller ID my heart begins to race.
Your in all that I see and everything I do
I cant wait till you come back and its just me and you.
So baby stay strong and I will do the same
Because to give up on a love like this would just be a shame.
.:always let your sailor know that he has your heart and love him with all the love God allows us to offer!
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.
You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
thanks so much. My boyfriend leaves for bootcamp on the 9th. He introduced me to this website so i could talk to girls like youu who are going through what i'm going through right now. I know that we all have to be strong and together we can get through it. :) You can always talk to me too. Thank you!
We have been fighting alot lately i feel like and i think that's because he is leaving in a couple days
but overall i'm very proud of him! I want to be able to talk to people that kinda feel how i feel right now. Sometimes i get upset because he will be gone for a while but i know in the end it will all be worth it when i get to see him again and i know i'm strong and i'll be okay. :) is that how you felt? How do you feel now?
Yeah, i've come to realize that this is something that he wants to do so i have to be supportive and i know that things are going to be okay. I don't want him to leave but it's not about me, it's about him and i'm very proud of what he has become and i know that i have to be strong.
that's what Kreig says to me too. That he is not just doing this for himself but doing this for the both of us so we can have a great life. A friend of his is in the navy and he came back a couple months ago and he is so much worse than he used to be. He thinks he is so much better than everyone else and i pray that Kreig doesn't come back being that way.. Sometimes things go through my mind when i know they shouldn't like "will he love me the same when he gets back?" or "will he forget me?" and i'm scared but i know that when he is gone the time will make our relationship so much stronger and things will be okay. I'm so excited and looking forward to being able to write letters to him and what not.
I definetly want to sit down with him before he leaves just like you said so we can reassure ourselves about our relationship. I know that this is going to be a good thing for us and as long as i can talk to others like you who are going through the same emotions and feelings, i know i'll be okay. :)
Yes we do all the time. His last day is tomorrow so i'm trying to spend as much time with him as I can but I know it's going to be rough. I'm just hoping things are okay. I'm here if you need to talk too :)
That's definitely what i'm going to do. I have been pretty upset and i know tommorow when i take him to the recruiter's station i'm going to cry but i know that i'm strong and i'm going to get through this and try to make it a positive experience and everything will be fine. :) thank you so much for all the advice you have given me. It really has helped me feel a lot better and i'm always here to talk to and you also stay strong as well!
Aw congrats!! PIR is an amazing experiance. I hope you make it!!! Yes me and my husband are at our duty station in CA. He is deployed but will be home soon!
Of course I am excited for him to come home!! LOL! We have been together a total of 7 months in the past 2 years so I am thrilled that he is going to be home for at least 9 months! And active duty is a challenge but we are very blessed. It makes our relationship very strong. I wouldn't change it for anything!
I'm doing okay. I could be better. Haha. Nighttime is the hardest part for me because I'm so used to him coming in my room and holding me until I fall asleep. We could talk about anything and he wouldn't care if I woke him up just to talk. How long has your boyfriend been at boot camp?
What is PIR? And let's say i could be better. :( i miss him so much and i really find it hard to sleep at night. Have you got your first letter yet? How long does it take to get a letter once you have sent it?
Lucy, if you can get a rental car I would suggest it. You are going to spend as much if not more on taxis if you plan on doing anything fun. We got a rental car and it was well worth it, but this is also coming from someone who experienced PIR when they had the whole weekend liberty...As far as I am concerned they no longer give weekend liberty.
Well you have every right to be dramatic haha. I didn't think you were being dramatic. I haven't gotten letters yet. Its been a week today. I'm calling his recruiter today to see if they have his address yet.
I have been kissing his letters. I didn't think about the perfume. He asked me not to send pictures though because it might make it harder for him?? I don't know. I think I'll just wait and if he asks me to send them then I will. I write to him every night before I go to bed and let him know how my day was and all.
Haha. I had a football boyfriend one time and they did that. I'm just now figuring out my webcam and all that jazz. So maybe I'll have some pics to send him if he asks
Yeah, lol. What division is Alan in? Thanks for the advice. :) i'm excited to get my first letter. I'm just trying to keep myself busy with work and hope this time goes by quick so i'm able to go see him graduate :) nights are still rough though.
That is so sweet. :) i wanna feel like that but i won't get to see Kreig until the beginning of january. Ugh, i hate it. I have dreams about him too and it wakes me up and i just wanna cry. I get no sleep at all. I'm hopeing that next week when they put me on third shift i'll be so tired that i'll just sleep in the daytime.
Yes, i absolutely will be there even if i'm the only one! Lol and i work at Caterpillar Logistics. It's an assembly plant. Hopefully things will get better. I'm just so used to him being here and now it's like a part of me is missing completely. :(
I know its not healthy. :( i can't sleep at night and i feel sick all the time. You got to talk for twenty three minutes? How? I thought they could only talk for like 30 seconds? When did you get your first phone call? I mean how many weeks was he gone? It's been a week today for Kreig.
Sorry I dont know how much it was. My mother in law paid for the rental car. But I am sure you can call the airport you are flying into and get a quote.
Yeah like I said his 4 years started august this year so everything is still new to me to... I just look at it as 3 years 9 months haha just always lookin at it like a countdown.. So your boyfriend left september this year you said?? If u have any questions or just want to talk im here to help as much as possible! do you know when u get to see your boyfriend next?
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Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
Oct 27, 2011
Heyy Lucy,
thanks so much. My boyfriend leaves for bootcamp on the 9th. He introduced me to this website so i could talk to girls like youu who are going through what i'm going through right now. I know that we all have to be strong and together we can get through it. :) You can always talk to me too. Thank you!
Nov 3, 2011
We have been fighting alot lately i feel like and i think that's because he is leaving in a couple days
but overall i'm very proud of him! I want to be able to talk to people that kinda feel how i feel right now. Sometimes i get upset because he will be gone for a while but i know in the end it will all be worth it when i get to see him again and i know i'm strong and i'll be okay. :) is that how you felt? How do you feel now?
Nov 4, 2011
Yeah, i've come to realize that this is something that he wants to do so i have to be supportive and i know that things are going to be okay. I don't want him to leave but it's not about me, it's about him and i'm very proud of what he has become and i know that i have to be strong.
Nov 4, 2011
that's what Kreig says to me too. That he is not just doing this for himself but doing this for the both of us so we can have a great life. A friend of his is in the navy and he came back a couple months ago and he is so much worse than he used to be. He thinks he is so much better than everyone else and i pray that Kreig doesn't come back being that way.. Sometimes things go through my mind when i know they shouldn't like "will he love me the same when he gets back?" or "will he forget me?" and i'm scared but i know that when he is gone the time will make our relationship so much stronger and things will be okay. I'm so excited and looking forward to being able to write letters to him and what not.
Nov 4, 2011
Thank you, that's amazing advice.
I definetly want to sit down with him before he leaves just like you said so we can reassure ourselves about our relationship. I know that this is going to be a good thing for us and as long as i can talk to others like you who are going through the same emotions and feelings, i know i'll be okay. :)
Nov 4, 2011
Nov 6, 2011
Nov 7, 2011
bella [mrs. ae2]
Nov 8, 2011
bella [mrs. ae2]
Nov 8, 2011
bella [mrs. ae2]
Nov 8, 2011
Thanks for adding me too! My boyfriend actually just left two days ago for boot camp
Nov 9, 2011
I'm doing okay. I could be better. Haha. Nighttime is the hardest part for me because I'm so used to him coming in my room and holding me until I fall asleep. We could talk about anything and he wouldn't care if I woke him up just to talk. How long has your boyfriend been at boot camp?
Nov 10, 2011
How are you feeling?
Nov 10, 2011
What is PIR? And let's say i could be better. :( i miss him so much and i really find it hard to sleep at night. Have you got your first letter yet? How long does it take to get a letter once you have sent it?
Nov 12, 2011
oh you mean graduation? Wow, it's coming up soon ! :) i bet your very excitedd
Nov 12, 2011
Nov 12, 2011
Nov 12, 2011
I know! Thank you so much :) i think it will i just have to stay strong!
Nov 13, 2011
bella [mrs. ae2]
Lucy, if you can get a rental car I would suggest it. You are going to spend as much if not more on taxis if you plan on doing anything fun. We got a rental car and it was well worth it, but this is also coming from someone who experienced PIR when they had the whole weekend liberty...As far as I am concerned they no longer give weekend liberty.
Nov 14, 2011
Well you have every right to be dramatic haha. I didn't think you were being dramatic. I haven't gotten letters yet. Its been a week today. I'm calling his recruiter today to see if they have his address yet.
Nov 14, 2011
We can send pictures in our letters?
Nov 14, 2011
I got his address today and I am so excited to send him my letters. Thank you for all the information that was very helpful.:)
Nov 14, 2011
OMG haha, that's exactly what i was going to do! :D I'm doing that right now as we speak and putting some pictures in there as well.
Nov 14, 2011
I have been kissing his letters. I didn't think about the perfume. He asked me not to send pictures though because it might make it harder for him?? I don't know. I think I'll just wait and if he asks me to send them then I will. I write to him every night before I go to bed and let him know how my day was and all.
Nov 14, 2011
Haha. I had a football boyfriend one time and they did that. I'm just now figuring out my webcam and all that jazz. So maybe I'll have some pics to send him if he asks
Nov 14, 2011
Oh wow that would be so embarrassing. Haha. I don't think I'll be sending any provocative pictures. Thanks for the advice!
Nov 14, 2011
Yeah, lol. What division is Alan in? Thanks for the advice. :) i'm excited to get my first letter. I'm just trying to keep myself busy with work and hope this time goes by quick so i'm able to go see him graduate :) nights are still rough though.
Nov 15, 2011
That is so sweet. :) i wanna feel like that but i won't get to see Kreig until the beginning of january. Ugh, i hate it. I have dreams about him too and it wakes me up and i just wanna cry. I get no sleep at all. I'm hopeing that next week when they put me on third shift i'll be so tired that i'll just sleep in the daytime.
Nov 15, 2011
Yes, i absolutely will be there even if i'm the only one! Lol and i work at Caterpillar Logistics. It's an assembly plant. Hopefully things will get better. I'm just so used to him being here and now it's like a part of me is missing completely. :(
Nov 15, 2011
How long does it take to get a call after they have been gone a week?
Nov 15, 2011
I know its not healthy. :( i can't sleep at night and i feel sick all the time. You got to talk for twenty three minutes? How? I thought they could only talk for like 30 seconds? When did you get your first phone call? I mean how many weeks was he gone? It's been a week today for Kreig.
Nov 15, 2011
And it's a little difficult but it helps me get my mind off of things.
Nov 15, 2011
hey, you asked when my SR graduates.... Dec. 16. :)
Nov 15, 2011
Just got a call from kreig! they are sending him home. He has nerve damage in his shoulder so they are sending him home!
Nov 15, 2011
it's okay. I don't mean to be greedy but i'm glad he is in a way. He is coming back in two weeks. He seemed happy for some odd reason.
Nov 15, 2011
Hi! And thank you so much<3 Two weeks even today. I've never done anything like this before, it's all very new to me.
Nov 16, 2011
bella [mrs. ae2]
Sorry I dont know how much it was. My mother in law paid for the rental car. But I am sure you can call the airport you are flying into and get a quote.
Nov 16, 2011
Yes, i'm very happy he is coming home safe!
Nov 16, 2011
Emily (Dan's Girlfriend)
Nov 16, 2011
Emily (Dan's Girlfriend)
Nov 16, 2011
Thank youu! & good luck to you as well <3 ! thanks for all
your advice. It really helped me. Best wishes to you and your bf too!
Nov 16, 2011
Emily (Dan's Girlfriend)
Nov 17, 2011