

Westport, MA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
Married 20+years
Mother of 2 sons - 18 college freshmen and my 20 yr old SR.
Love being a Mother, Wife and domestic engineer - both my husband and I are retired. I love to cook, quilt, basket weaving and scrapbook. But I'm no Martha Stewart although I've tried ;)
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
My son has made a very wise decision and after meeting and talking with his recruiter he will do well. The hardest thing for me right now is learning to let go and knowing that he as started on his on journey in life - sending light and love and yes, the tears will flow but they are of pride and joy that I have been blessed with such a beautiful young man.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community.
    Also, check out this OPSEC Internet Safety Video

    Enjoy your time here and we look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW


    I sent you a message in your inbox about the 10/28/2011 PIR group.


  • KimberlyAnn

    I was so happy to hear from you...I was beginning to think I was the only mom who said see ya soon to their child on Sept. 1st...we searched before he left for anyone he could connect with as well, but couldn't find anyone. I waited, and thought if there are any moms out there who feel the way I do, I will find them on here. I look forward to taking this journey with you as only a mom could understand...waiting for the "box" and form letter...and yes I have been writing letters like it's my job...take care Kimberly
  • KimberlyAnn

    Hi there...I am doing well. Thank you. Staying busy, no matter what I am doing, my thoughts always seem to stray back to Brandon. Wondering what his schedule is like? What he's eating? If he's connected with anyone? I spoke with his recruiter who told me that Brandon will be there for 9 weeks, which puts his PIR Nov. 4th, but everyone else that left on the same day has their PIR Oct. 28th??? Did I miscount? Tell me how you are doing?  Keeping busy. Thank you for taking the lead on the PIR group, hope I get to stay in this one!! Have a blessed day... Oh, and did not get the box yet or the letter and his recruiter didn't have any info yet either on dates and addresses...Kimberly 
  • KimberlyAnn

    So we have no Internet with the 7 days of rain we've had, I can't reply to the discussion board via mobile so I am gonna try the box today, sat on the floor of my bedroom with the door locked and cried while I opened it. Trying to smell him on the clothes he wore the last time we saw him his scent was there along with the pizza he had for dinner that night at the airport...spoke with his recruiter again today, no ship/division or address yet...I will pray for patience on that one, I am so anxious to send him the letters we've been writing. How are you doing? Staying busy? 
  • Trace

    It is nice to meet you, I just joined N4M's right after my son left, Sept 1. Now that I have been reading everything I should have joined awhile ago. There is alot to learn. Yes I hope they are friends that would be great.

  • Trace

    Thank you, I have been trying to figure out how to navigate around the site I think I have it now. I'm so glad you got your letter. I received mine on Sat. 9/10. We have a small post office and everyone knows everyone else. When I saw his writing I was excited and said to Post master oh my gosh did you see this....she just looked at me laughed and said yea Trace I put it in the box. She was waiting to see my reaction. And of course I wrote to my SR and had to tell him about it I'm sure he will get a laugh from it.  

  • JustinsMom (Ship 09/Div 359)

    Thank you, i have been exploring the site and all the in's and out's ..Everyone has been really helpful and so nice!...I'm doing ok but i will be better after that first real letter i get..I know its only been 2 weeks but seems like forever to me!...
  • Donna

    It's ironic, I have carried my sons letter with me every day but it is at home today. I will give you more details when I go home and get letter but know that I and my family laugh everytime we read it. Only a few had time to write they are helping each other he wrote lots of encouraging advice to his younger brother who is in DEP waiting to leave. Let me see if I can figure out how to chat in private. Ha Ha typing on tiny phone keyboard is no fun.
  • diannep

    accepted your friend request!
  • Anna


    I saw your post on Storymom's blue candle event page with the picture of the Navy candle.  I'd like some information on where I can get one!!  Thank you!!

  • Anna

    Thank you for the info!!!!!