My name is lucy and I am 19 years old. I am supporting my fiancé Alan who is completing aircrew school right now in Pensacola, Florida. :) We met 8 years ago and have been dating for 4 years. He recently propsed at the O'hare airport in Chicago. My love graduated from RTC November 23. It was amazing seeing him then and for the holidays! I can't wait to find out when i'll see him again!
"There are millions of people in this world, but in the end it all comes down to one. I still panic sometimes, forget to breathe, but I know that there's something beautiful in my imperfections; the beauty that he held up for me to see. The strength that I will never be able to say." <3
I am here to support my
Spouse/Significant other
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
I miss you so much, I need you right now
I try to stay strong but some days I just don’t know how.
The weeks seem like months, and months like years.
I try to hold them back, but down flow the tears.
I keep myself busy through out the day
And when I am alone at night I just pray.
I pray you stay safe while your serving over seas.
At night while I sleep I see you in my dreams.
I think of happier times when you were here
When I could kiss your lips and hold you near.
I miss your smile and your warm embrace
When I see your name on the caller ID my heart begins to race.
Your in all that I see and everything I do
I cant wait till you come back and its just me and you.
So baby stay strong and I will do the same
Because to give up on a love like this would just be a shame.
.:always let your sailor know that he has your heart and love him with all the love God allows us to offer!
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.
Yeah he signed up for 4 years...8 years is a long time your a strong girl! Is he graduating from A school?? And congratulations that is so exciting you get to see him for thanksgiving.. I have no clue when i'll see him next, he left yesterday which was rough... He was on a ten day leave after A school and now hes in norfolk, thatll be his permanent station but I guess he might be stopping in a few places around the u.s. And then the cruiser leaves in march for a few months... Soo he told me he heard theres a slight possibility he might be home for christmas but hes not for sure about it... Are you planning on moving near your sailors base?
I really mean it thats so great how close you are and how in love you two are. I ty otally agree about growing stronger dan's made me such a better person and im so thankful I lucky I have such a great boyfriend and I can tell u feel the same way abur yours. It was much harder to go through a school than boot camp, I was able to talk to him texting and he was able to call pretty much every night. It was much easier. After A school ull find out where his permanent base will be. I dont know about marriage yet,but I want to move nearhis home base but im playing the waiting game because I dont graduate from school til october next year, but I obviously dont want to wait that long.. So its frustrating.. But yeah it really is cool were the same age cuz we can relate so much more
Hes undesignated.. A school for him was about a month and a half I dont know if that varies or not. Anyway, if your wanting to move by him definitely wait til hes done with a school and is positive about where his home base will be than I would start looking into schools that area... Im trying to find out if I can transfer to a school by him... Its frustrating cuz he isnt shipping out til march so all this time til then I feel like im wasting by being back in wisconsin, when I could be near him. I hope that helps a little like I said a school is a breeze to bc u can actually talk on the phone whenever hes not on duty or sleeping or at a meeting, itll all go smooth. Im excited for you two, congratulations once again, I hope that helps a little. Whats your boyfriends signed up for?
NAVY LADIES!!!! CHECKOUT ---> "A Sailor's Angel" on Facebook!!!!!! Like us!!!! :) Hey Ladies, this is a NEW support group, specifically for our United States Navy girlfriends/fiances/wives/moms/sisters/& daughters.... WE LOVE ALL MILITARY BRANCHES, but this one is just Navy, but if you'd like to join, all is welcome anyways :) Share the love!! Like us on Facebook!! We are all specially bonded together by our Sailors!! We'd like to be a great fan/support group for you!! ♥
Feel free to tell your friends about the group!! :)
Omg I'm here at the holiday inn about three miles away from
My sailor!!!!! I can't wait for his PIR tomorrow morning. I get to spend thanksgiving w him, so that's a huge plus! So far so good :) Ahhhhh!!!!! I LOVE ALAN!!!!! <3
Aw that's so cute. I can't wait to see Zack. This holiday is really hard for me this year since I lost my 14 year old cousin and Zack isn't here to help me. I'm hoping to hear from him soon but I still haven't gotten anything. I heard that he may need stamps because they don't provide them. Did you have to send Alan stamps or did he get his own? Should I send him some?
I'm trying to stay happy but its just so hard. I don't think Zack knows to buy stamps. Tell Alan thank you. I may just send him some just in case. Better safe than sorry haha. My family has been telling everyone that I'm depressed. Its not that I'm depressed I just miss my cousin and Zack being gone makes it harder. I am trying my best to stay strong.
I am trying to keep a smile on my face for the both of them and I agree with you God wouldn't put us through it if he didn't think we could do it. I got my first letters today!! I am so excited I have read them at least 3 times today. It feels so good to finally hear from him. I even helped clean the house with a smile on my face, haha I hate doing that. I actually have two envelopes of letters to send out this time since I didn't get to mail some out this past week. And he asked for pictures so of course I put some in there too. I did like you said and sprayed them with my perfume. And congratulations on the engagement!! I'm so happy for you! I know you are very happy
Hey, actually my husband and I are from San Francisco so we got married out there. The ceremony was at a country club. I forget the name and the reception was held at a friends garden.
Haha! One: DONT STRESS!! It is very hard to plan a wedding when you dont know when your SO will even be home! I planned our wedding in 2 weeks! I asked for a military discount everywhere we went and most places accomidated us. Me and my mom and grandma and aunts did everything ourselves. We rented all the tables, linens, chairs. the dollar store has TONS of tea light candles. lol. Really it will be your dream wedding no matter what. And his. I would say the only part I really remember about our wedding was the dancing, the speaches and the cake cutting. Those were the important parts for me. Our first and Last dance and cutting the cake I wanted to be very romantic and they were all on their own. We danced to L.O.V.E. by Nat King Cole for our first dance (one of our many songs) and we danced to the cinderella song for our last dance. Anyways, point being, focus on what you want to be special and the rest will fall into palce. :) We got all of our stuff from craft stores and our cake was from a grocery store. We had my uncle DJ us and a family friend marry us. I think the more personal and intimate everything is, the better time you will have. Plus its cheaper hahah :)
You should post a pic of the ring, I wanna see :) I do feel better now that I've heard from him. I got another letter on Monday that he wrote on Thanksgiving. He said that its getting easier. He does not like down time though because he is constantly thinking about everyone here and it makes him even more homesick. Everything has been going wrong for me lately. I have a severe infection in my tooth which has caused my face to swell up really bad. I haven't been able to go to school so I'm hoping my professors will understand and let me make up everything. I am also having surgery on December 16 to have my thyroid completely removed and it is my first time staying in the hospital overnight. I also went to the ER for the first time today and I was so scared. I wish Zack was here to help me but he isn't.
So yesterday I got my first phone call from Zack!! I am so happy. I wish I could smile the biggest smile ever but a swollen face just won't allow it. It was so good to hear his voice. :)
Thank you. I did cry but not a lot until i got off because i didnt want to make him feel bad haha. He cried a little. It was just so good to hear his voice and hear that hes doing good. And im really happy hes made friends.
my Finace left to Bc on Nov 28. His parents got the first phone call on Dec 2, So Im just hoping to get his Address soon. I miss him so much. And cant wait till i get his First letter.
Hey girl, i haven't been on in awhile my lap top crashed on me! Congratulations on being engaged now!!! How excitinggg!!! I'm so happy for you two!! That put such a huge smile on my face! I was having a really hard time when he left at first, but its been a month now, sooo I'm getting more used to it now... I've been staying positive, looking forward to the future, I get to see him this month the 28th-3rd or 4th of january so im sooo excited for that! How have you been doing girl, and how far along is ur fiance' now?
Hi! Yes, I was and it was amazing. He is now in Pensacola, FL for A school but is able to come home for the holidays which I am really looking forward to. What about your boyfriend?
I've been told the same thing. And i hope it is true that is does get easier afer u receive him first letter. Im just hoping its soon. It will almost be 2 weeks since he's left.
Hey do you know what we can send him to BC. and what kind of pictures are u able to send them. I've been asking but no one can really answer me that question. Ive been writing to him every day but want to send him pictures and stuff but idk what u can and cant send them. If u know about anything It would help alot. Plz and TY
Thank you so much, That helps alot. I've been trying to find out what u can send him. but know i know. and in every letter i sand I kiss it with lip stick on. and spray it with my perfume but ur idea sounds allot better :) thank you so much. . .
Really awww, Thats cute. . . And aww then i cant wait till i get it so. Im so exited to read the first letter. Today makes two weeks since he left. so I cant wait any day know i will get the first letter :)
Yeah i hope so, And I did what u said about the lased underwear with the smell he likes. Its in awesome idea. and know that i know i can send him pictures. Im getting that done today lol Im so exited to get his letter. and My Fiance does like the news so I may do that too lol just need to go hunting for news papers lol
Yeah we plan on getting married Ether after BC or A school. Idk yet cuz before he left we where talking about it but didn't really get the chance to say when.
Yes I do! I didn't think I could love someone this much. I think this has made both of us stronger. I'm hoping to get a phone call before my surgery since I didnt get a call last week. He said he would try to call depending on when he has watch. He goes to connecticut after basic.
I really hope so, I was sad to not get mine today. But Im trying to not get sad and just hang in there. cuz maybe ur right . Thats why it is. cuz California is more farther then some of the other girls :) thanks that helps alot :)
Oh ur in cali too lol how cool. Lol yeah ur right, He doesnt. Thanks girl that helps alot. And the mail man also said he is going to keep in eye out lol . . .
Lol Girl i just finished writing a letter and Idk what made me check the address and I just found out ive been writing the address wrong just by one number. It was 3515 not 3315. Im so sad that The letters may get returned to me and dont get to him.
I wrote about 13 letters to him already idk on witch one i mest up on but ur right i should do that to him . Thanks for the idea, I was planing on doing that but i didnt know u where aloud to do that. Im send one today just in case and letting him know what happen with the other letters.
So he didn't get to call but I did get a letter. He will be on the sub working on the sonar. They said its one of the top three jobs in the navy. What will Alan be doing?
Yeah haha. I know the feeling. I told Zack im putting myself through this because I love him haha. He has to do sub school and a school so he will probably be there for a year also.
Aww haha you're so lucky! I wish I could see Zack. It's driving me crazy! His mom went up there for Christmas and spent the day with him. I am glad he got to call me and text me but it still wasn't enough. I cried during our last phone call and I feel so bad because I'm sure it made him feel bad. I just keep reminding myself that its only 11 more days till I see him again. I hope you enjoy your time with Alan, I'm sure you will. I hope you guys had a great Christmas also.
Thank you! And I'm here for you too. I'm not as good with advice as you are but I will certainly try. Make the best of tonight. I know you're probably not looking forward to seeing him go but at least you have more communication now. And pretty soon you guys will be together again. :) My journey to Chicago begins Wednesday, I'm getting nervous about seeing him again. I hope you and Alan had a great New Years. Tell him thank you for being a sailor.
My New Years was okay. It would have been nice to have Zack here to share it with me haha. I'm glad you guys had a great New Years. I am very very excited. I think I will have fun. I just wish he wasn't leaving for Connecticut the next day. But I'm glad we get to talk more. :) I'm very excited for this trip. Do you have any suggestions on what to do while we're there?
I wish I could just cuddle with him all day but our parents are going to be there, so we will probably have very little alone time. And from what I heard sailors aren't allowed to even hold hands with their girlfriends in public and if another sailor sees them then they get reported and punished when they get back on base. I think that's just weird. Haha. But I will definitely try to take a lot of pictures. I thought about ice skating since we both love it.
Emily (Dan's Girlfriend)
Nov 17, 2011
Emily (Dan's Girlfriend)
Nov 17, 2011
Emily (Dan's Girlfriend)
Nov 17, 2011
Nov 17, 2011
NAVY LADIES!!!! CHECKOUT ---> "A Sailor's Angel" on Facebook!!!!!! Like us!!!! :)
Hey Ladies, this is a NEW support group, specifically for our United States Navy girlfriends/fiances/wives/moms/sisters/& daughters.... WE LOVE ALL MILITARY BRANCHES, but this one is just Navy, but if you'd like to join, all is welcome anyways :)
Share the love!! Like us on Facebook!! We are all specially bonded together by our Sailors!! We'd like to be a great fan/support group for you!! ♥
Feel free to tell your friends about the group!! :)
I'm here to support and be supported!!
We Love Our Sailors ♥ -B
Nov 17, 2011
My sailor!!!!! I can't wait for his PIR tomorrow morning. I get to spend thanksgiving w him, so that's a huge plus! So far so good :) Ahhhhh!!!!! I LOVE ALAN!!!!! <3
Nov 23, 2011
Hope you have fun at the graduation. I know you're excited to see him :)
Nov 24, 2011
Nov 24, 2011
Nov 24, 2011
Fiancé!!! Ooo it feels perfect saying that.
Nov 25, 2011
I am trying to keep a smile on my face for the both of them and I agree with you God wouldn't put us through it if he didn't think we could do it. I got my first letters today!! I am so excited I have read them at least 3 times today. It feels so good to finally hear from him. I even helped clean the house with a smile on my face, haha I hate doing that. I actually have two envelopes of letters to send out this time since I didn't get to mail some out this past week. And he asked for pictures so of course I put some in there too. I did like you said and sprayed them with my perfume. And congratulations on the engagement!! I'm so happy for you! I know you are very happy
Nov 26, 2011
bella [mrs. ae2]
Hey I am glad you had a good time at PIR. And I see you are now a FUTURE MRS. SAILOR!!! <3 I am very happy for you!
Nov 28, 2011
bella [mrs. ae2]
Hey, actually my husband and I are from San Francisco so we got married out there. The ceremony was at a country club. I forget the name and the reception was held at a friends garden.
Nov 29, 2011
bella [mrs. ae2]
Haha! One: DONT STRESS!! It is very hard to plan a wedding when you dont know when your SO will even be home! I planned our wedding in 2 weeks! I asked for a military discount everywhere we went and most places accomidated us. Me and my mom and grandma and aunts did everything ourselves. We rented all the tables, linens, chairs. the dollar store has TONS of tea light candles. lol. Really it will be your dream wedding no matter what. And his. I would say the only part I really remember about our wedding was the dancing, the speaches and the cake cutting. Those were the important parts for me. Our first and Last dance and cutting the cake I wanted to be very romantic and they were all on their own. We danced to L.O.V.E. by Nat King Cole for our first dance (one of our many songs) and we danced to the cinderella song for our last dance. Anyways, point being, focus on what you want to be special and the rest will fall into palce. :) We got all of our stuff from craft stores and our cake was from a grocery store. We had my uncle DJ us and a family friend marry us. I think the more personal and intimate everything is, the better time you will have. Plus its cheaper hahah :)
Nov 30, 2011
You should post a pic of the ring, I wanna see :) I do feel better now that I've heard from him. I got another letter on Monday that he wrote on Thanksgiving. He said that its getting easier. He does not like down time though because he is constantly thinking about everyone here and it makes him even more homesick. Everything has been going wrong for me lately. I have a severe infection in my tooth which has caused my face to swell up really bad. I haven't been able to go to school so I'm hoping my professors will understand and let me make up everything. I am also having surgery on December 16 to have my thyroid completely removed and it is my first time staying in the hospital overnight. I also went to the ER for the first time today and I was so scared. I wish Zack was here to help me but he isn't.
Dec 1, 2011
So yesterday I got my first phone call from Zack!! I am so happy. I wish I could smile the biggest smile ever but a swollen face just won't allow it. It was so good to hear his voice. :)
Dec 2, 2011
Dec 5, 2011
Dec 6, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
my Finace left to Bc on Nov 28. His parents got the first phone call on Dec 2, So Im just hoping to get his Address soon. I miss him so much. And cant wait till i get his First letter.
Dec 7, 2011
Emily (Dan's Girlfriend)
Hey girl, i haven't been on in awhile my lap top crashed on me! Congratulations on being engaged now!!! How excitinggg!!! I'm so happy for you two!! That put such a huge smile on my face! I was having a really hard time when he left at first, but its been a month now, sooo I'm getting more used to it now... I've been staying positive, looking forward to the future, I get to see him this month the 28th-3rd or 4th of january so im sooo excited for that! How have you been doing girl, and how far along is ur fiance' now?
Dec 8, 2011
navygf27 (Ship 09/ Div 014)
Hi! Yes, I was and it was amazing. He is now in Pensacola, FL for A school but is able to come home for the holidays which I am really looking forward to. What about your boyfriend?
Dec 8, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
Iam trying to write to him everyday. and check the mall almost twice a day. I miss him so much.
Dec 13, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
I've been told the same thing. And i hope it is true that is does get easier afer u receive him first letter. Im just hoping its soon. It will almost be 2 weeks since he's left.
Dec 14, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
Hey do you know what we can send him to BC. and what kind of pictures are u able to send them. I've been asking but no one can really answer me that question. Ive been writing to him every day but want to send him pictures and stuff but idk what u can and cant send them. If u know about anything It would help alot. Plz and TY
Dec 14, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
Thank you so much, That helps alot. I've been trying to find out what u can send him. but know i know. and in every letter i sand I kiss it with lip stick on. and spray it with my perfume but ur idea sounds allot better :) thank you so much. . .
Dec 14, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
Really awww, Thats cute. . . And aww then i cant wait till i get it so. Im so exited to read the first letter. Today makes two weeks since he left. so I cant wait any day know i will get the first letter :)
Dec 14, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
Yeah i hope so, And I did what u said about the lased underwear with the smell he likes. Its in awesome idea. and know that i know i can send him pictures. Im getting that done today lol Im so exited to get his letter. and My Fiance does like the news so I may do that too lol just need to go hunting for news papers lol
Dec 14, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
Yeah we plan on getting married Ether after BC or A school. Idk yet cuz before he left we where talking about it but didn't really get the chance to say when.
Dec 14, 2011
Dec 14, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
Dec 14, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
I didnt get his letter today. :( almost ever one that is based in his ship got there letters :(
Dec 14, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
I really hope so, I was sad to not get mine today. But Im trying to not get sad and just hang in there. cuz maybe ur right . Thats why it is. cuz California is more farther then some of the other girls :) thanks that helps alot :)
Dec 14, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
Oh ur in cali too lol how cool. Lol yeah ur right, He doesnt. Thanks girl that helps alot. And the mail man also said he is going to keep in eye out lol . . .
Dec 15, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
Lol awesome, Cant wait. I know he is a good mail man lol
Dec 15, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
Lol Girl i just finished writing a letter and Idk what made me check the address and I just found out ive been writing the address wrong just by one number. It was 3515 not 3315. Im so sad that The letters may get returned to me and dont get to him.
Dec 15, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
I wrote about 13 letters to him already idk on witch one i mest up on but ur right i should do that to him . Thanks for the idea, I was planing on doing that but i didnt know u where aloud to do that. Im send one today just in case and letting him know what happen with the other letters.
Dec 15, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
Thank you. I'm just straying to say positive and keeping my head high. And stop beating my self up for a mistake I did.
Dec 15, 2011
Dec 17, 2011
Dec 17, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
I got his letter today Im so happy. In the letter is telling me that he wants to get married with me after BC. Im so happy . :)
Dec 17, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
Lol yeah Im so happy. It made my whole week. I cant wait till i see him. :)
Dec 17, 2011
Dec 18, 2011
Dec 18, 2011
Dec 18, 2011
Noemi(Ship 12, DIV 054)Colin<3
I got to see one of his pictures on his DIV today it made my Xmas so much better. Oh and wanted to Wish u a marry xmas and a happy new year :)
Dec 26, 2011
Aww haha you're so lucky! I wish I could see Zack. It's driving me crazy! His mom went up there for Christmas and spent the day with him. I am glad he got to call me and text me but it still wasn't enough. I cried during our last phone call and I feel so bad because I'm sure it made him feel bad. I just keep reminding myself that its only 11 more days till I see him again. I hope you enjoy your time with Alan, I'm sure you will. I hope you guys had a great Christmas also.
Dec 26, 2011
Dec 28, 2011
Thank you! And I'm here for you too. I'm not as good with advice as you are but I will certainly try. Make the best of tonight. I know you're probably not looking forward to seeing him go but at least you have more communication now. And pretty soon you guys will be together again. :) My journey to Chicago begins Wednesday, I'm getting nervous about seeing him again. I hope you and Alan had a great New Years. Tell him thank you for being a sailor.
Jan 1, 2012
My New Years was okay. It would have been nice to have Zack here to share it with me haha. I'm glad you guys had a great New Years. I am very very excited. I think I will have fun. I just wish he wasn't leaving for Connecticut the next day. But I'm glad we get to talk more. :) I'm very excited for this trip. Do you have any suggestions on what to do while we're there?
Jan 1, 2012
I wish I could just cuddle with him all day but our parents are going to be there, so we will probably have very little alone time. And from what I heard sailors aren't allowed to even hold hands with their girlfriends in public and if another sailor sees them then they get reported and punished when they get back on base. I think that's just weird. Haha. But I will definitely try to take a lot of pictures. I thought about ice skating since we both love it.
Jan 2, 2012