You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
We have a Survival Guide for Navy For Moms Newbie (clickable link). You'll find everything you need to get started. Videos, PDF files of boot camp processing days, links to all the important groups plus tips on how to use this site. Keep in mind the videos and PDF files may take some time to download the first time you try it. It'll look like nothing is happening. Be patient. Best part is it'll be here on your very own page as a reference. Click the MY PAGE tab on above menubar to access your page anytime - you should do it at least once a day to see if you have any postings on your comment wall (like this one). Good luck. NOTE to moms: your emotions are going to go through some real highs and lows. It's all part of letting go. It would be unnatural for you not to feel a sense of loss, even though you are very proud. That loss is saying goodbye to his/her "childhood" and their dependence on you, as his/her "mom" - it's a role we have embraced from their birth. How can we not feel something when it is changing FAST? Just stay with us. The Boot Camp Moms, Navy MEPS/Dep and the PIR groups are here to see you through from beginning to end.
my name is katie and my s/o has the same PIR date as yours! ive been following many of the groups on this site one of which i think we are both a part of and i realized that you said you might be traveling alone? my friend and i are both 21 and we will be arriving in chicago about the same time as you at 4-415. if you need help with a ride or just for some company along the way just let me know and we could figure something out!
Navy for Moms Admin
Welcome to Navy For Moms!
You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.
Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
Feb 24, 2012
tbone's mom (Ship 04 Div 810)
Hi there,
My name is Sunni and my son Anthony is ship 04 div 810!!! I have been looking for someont too to share this journey with. What is ur bf name??
Feb 24, 2012
We have a Survival Guide for Navy For Moms Newbie (clickable link). You'll find everything you need to get started. Videos, PDF files of boot camp processing days, links to all the important groups plus tips on how to use this site. Keep in mind the videos and PDF files may take some time to download the first time you try it. It'll look like nothing is happening. Be patient. Best part is it'll be here on your very own page as a reference. Click the MY PAGE tab on above menubar to access your page anytime - you should do it at least once a day to see if you have any postings on your comment wall (like this one). Good luck. NOTE to moms: your emotions are going to go through some real highs and lows. It's all part of letting go. It would be unnatural for you not to feel a sense of loss, even though you are very proud. That loss is saying goodbye to his/her "childhood" and their dependence on you, as his/her "mom" - it's a role we have embraced from their birth. How can we not feel something when it is changing FAST? Just stay with us. The Boot Camp Moms, Navy MEPS/Dep and the PIR groups are here to see you through from beginning to end.
Feb 24, 2012
k_peirce (AD wife)
hi beccasusan26!
my name is katie and my s/o has the same PIR date as yours! ive been following many of the groups on this site one of which i think we are both a part of and i realized that you said you might be traveling alone? my friend and i are both 21 and we will be arriving in chicago about the same time as you at 4-415. if you need help with a ride or just for some company along the way just let me know and we could figure something out!
Mar 6, 2012