Proud mom of Seaman E. (Ship 03 Div 118, PIR 4/13/12) who became a US Navy Sailor April 6, 2012. Now on to A-school for HM in San Antonio.
Equally proud of my four other daughters!
You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
The guide has all the links that you'll need, videos, pdf files of the bootcamp processing days, explanations and tips. Best part is it'll always be here on your own personal page, so if you forget, you can always check here, click on MY PAGE tab on above menu bar.
Start look for the box, then the form letter. Make copies of this form letter. DON'T LOSE THIS. It has the password for printing the parking pass. Only your recruit can give your the password. He will be so busy towards the end that he won't want to be hassle with his mom misplacing the form letter.
I can't express in words how happy I am today this has been such a long road. I have never been away from my daughter in her 21 years so I have cried myself to sleep so many night. My son even told me I was getting on his nerves. LOL
Thanks so much for your encouragement. We had dinner with him tonight and will meet Tim tomorrow at the airport as he flies out to GL. I am so excited for him. I have teared up a few times, but for now I am anxious for him to get started before he gets bored (which he does easily).
Tomorrow may do me in as he actually leaves TN. I appreciate knowing you all are here and will pat my shoulder and understand ...
Navy1 - thanks for asking after me today. fortunately, Tim caused enough of a manic moment at flight boarding to keep me distracted from a teary farewell. He had misplaced part of his paperwork, including the meal voucher. He was starting to have a freak out moment over screwing up before he even left. So his Dad and a coworker took off for security checkpoint and ticket counter where paperwork was located and retrieved. Since Dad works at airport, he was able to board the plane and get Tim's info to him and say his goodbye on board. There were 6 recruits leaving today from middle TN. Nice group of kids, but was a little awkward that we were only parents following to the actual gate... lol. Told one of the young ladies to tell her mom about this site. Hopefully, she will find her way here.
Anyway - he called from Chili's at the Chicago airport and chatted a few minutes before they checked in at the USO. Next call I presume will be later tonight from BC and then wait for his box and form letter. The reality sets in the next few days....again, thanks for checking on me! Kim
How exciting!! I can't wait to start getting some news from my son. So far we are the 10 day mark and I am thinking maybe he hasn't started even getting my mail yet either. I started mailing him on Tues of this week and have sent a letter from me and one with notes from his party each day already. And his dad and Gram have sent one. He should be set once the mail starts getting distributed!
So PIR is not quite so far away for you all.....4/13 huh? Are you on the countdown? We are already and not nearly so far in as you and your SR.
Good to hear from you - will let you know when I am lucky enough to get a letter! Talk to you soon,
Hey!!! Thanks for the note....I know you are counting down! How exciting!!! I am still waiting on the first piece of mail from my SR. I saw where someone from his division had mailed to his mom and she received it today, so I am hopeful....keep your fingers crossed for us to get something...anything....this week! lol
got my first letter from my SR today! so excited! will check back later with more details, got to get some work done!!! thank goodness I work from home so I can be here to watch mailbox daily!
Hey! Seems my SR is doing well; was surprised that things were very different than he had been led to believe or had heard. Not all bad, just different. Was hoping to get to "the fun stuff" this last week - swimming, etc. He said he had read his letter like 100 times and that when they said mail is like gold, they were not kidding. I assume that he had not at that point received all of my deluge of letters! lol - hope he continues to adjust, adapt and accept the new life changes! I know you are excited and counting down to PIR - can't wait to hear all about what your SR is doing - let us hear from her!!!
Hey thinking of you and praying for all to go well tomorrow for your SR - or whenever she does Battlestations. I can't wait to hear you got the call!!!!
Most of our group got the mid-term calls today; unfortunately - I did not......not sure why or what that means, but nothing I can do but hope for another chance tomorrow and be thankful I got a letter today.
Navy for Moms Admin
Welcome to Navy For Moms!
You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.
Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
Feb 15, 2012
Survival Guide for Navy For Moms Newbie
The guide has all the links that you'll need, videos, pdf files of the bootcamp processing days, explanations and tips. Best part is it'll always be here on your own personal page, so if you forget, you can always check here, click on MY PAGE tab on above menu bar.
Good luck.
Feb 15, 2012
Start look for the box, then the form letter. Make copies of this form letter. DON'T LOSE THIS. It has the password for printing the parking pass. Only your recruit can give your the password. He will be so busy towards the end that he won't want to be hassle with his mom misplacing the form letter.
Here's what it'll look like.
Feb 16, 2012
Oh, please pass along the info I have posted on your page. Good luck and let us know how you are doing.
Feb 16, 2012
navy1of5 (Ship03 Div118)
Feb 29, 2012
I can't express in words how happy I am today this has been such a long road. I have never been away from my daughter in her 21 years so I have cried myself to sleep so many night. My son even told me I was getting on his nerves. LOL
Mar 12, 2012
Thanks so much for your encouragement. We had dinner with him tonight and will meet Tim tomorrow at the airport as he flies out to GL. I am so excited for him. I have teared up a few times, but for now I am anxious for him to get started before he gets bored (which he does easily).
Tomorrow may do me in as he actually leaves TN. I appreciate knowing you all are here and will pat my shoulder and understand ...
thanks so much,
Mar 12, 2012
Navy1 - thanks for asking after me today. fortunately, Tim caused enough of a manic moment at flight boarding to keep me distracted from a teary farewell. He had misplaced part of his paperwork, including the meal voucher. He was starting to have a freak out moment over screwing up before he even left. So his Dad and a coworker took off for security checkpoint and ticket counter where paperwork was located and retrieved. Since Dad works at airport, he was able to board the plane and get Tim's info to him and say his goodbye on board. There were 6 recruits leaving today from middle TN. Nice group of kids, but was a little awkward that we were only parents following to the actual gate... lol. Told one of the young ladies to tell her mom about this site. Hopefully, she will find her way here.
Anyway - he called from Chili's at the Chicago airport and chatted a few minutes before they checked in at the USO. Next call I presume will be later tonight from BC and then wait for his box and form letter. The reality sets in the next few days....again, thanks for checking on me! Kim
Mar 13, 2012
How exciting!! I can't wait to start getting some news from my son. So far we are the 10 day mark and I am thinking maybe he hasn't started even getting my mail yet either. I started mailing him on Tues of this week and have sent a letter from me and one with notes from his party each day already. And his dad and Gram have sent one. He should be set once the mail starts getting distributed!
So PIR is not quite so far away for you all.....4/13 huh? Are you on the countdown? We are already and not nearly so far in as you and your SR.
Good to hear from you - will let you know when I am lucky enough to get a letter! Talk to you soon,
Mar 22, 2012
Hey!!! Thanks for the note....I know you are counting down! How exciting!!! I am still waiting on the first piece of mail from my SR. I saw where someone from his division had mailed to his mom and she received it today, so I am hopeful....keep your fingers crossed for us to get something...anything....this week! lol
Mar 27, 2012
got my first letter from my SR today! so excited! will check back later with more details, got to get some work done!!! thank goodness I work from home so I can be here to watch mailbox daily!
Mar 28, 2012
Hey! Seems my SR is doing well; was surprised that things were very different than he had been led to believe or had heard. Not all bad, just different. Was hoping to get to "the fun stuff" this last week - swimming, etc. He said he had read his letter like 100 times and that when they said mail is like gold, they were not kidding. I assume that he had not at that point received all of my deluge of letters! lol - hope he continues to adjust, adapt and accept the new life changes! I know you are excited and counting down to PIR - can't wait to hear all about what your SR is doing - let us hear from her!!!
Mar 31, 2012
Hey thinking of you and praying for all to go well tomorrow for your SR - or whenever she does Battlestations. I can't wait to hear you got the call!!!!
Apr 4, 2012
So exciting !! I know you are on pins & needles!
Most of our group got the mid-term calls today; unfortunately - I did not......not sure why or what that means, but nothing I can do but hope for another chance tomorrow and be thankful I got a letter today.
Let me hear from you when you get that call!!!
Apr 4, 2012
So exited for you and your Sailor!!!!! Congrats to all of you!!! I know you can't wait to see her and squeeze her tight!!!
Apr 6, 2012