23 days until I get to see my Sailor!! Very excited!! The girls I work with said it's too early to start packing my bag. I'm so ready to see him and hug him so tight that he can't breathe. And I really wish I would get a phone call.
Hi...I just wanted you to know about an Amazing thing. Calls for Recruits.org is giving away FREE Pre-paid Calling cards for Recruits in Boot camp. Visit the site, and send an email requesting Phone Cards and send them off to your Recruits! Have a great day!!
mn navy mom
23 days until I get to see my Sailor!! Very excited!! The girls I work with said it's too early to start packing my bag. I'm so ready to see him and hug him so tight that he can't breathe. And I really wish I would get a phone call.
Apr 24, 2012
mn navy mom
3 weeks!! Can't wait!!
Apr 26, 2012
Recruit Man - Ronny
Apr 29, 2012