I'm a Mom of two boys. I have a 24 year old named Corey and a 19 year old named Timmothy. My 19 year old joined the Navy and just left for boot camp yesterday (06/13). I'm so very proud of him and I already miss him a ton.
I hope you get all the information here you are looking for. Please stop by the Survival Guide for New Moms for some of the info to start with.
If you have a new Recruit and need phone cards for them please check out Calls for Recruits.org and get them for FREE. I feel that the Family, Loved Ones, nor the Men and Women of our Armed Forces should have to pay for phone calls from Boot Camp. The link above will take you to the website to send the email for the FREE phone cards if you need them. Please spread the word if you know of anyone who can use this great service!!!
Hi, my son also left June 13 to GL for BC. I know what you mean about missing your son tons. My is the only child. I sleep in his pajamas bottoms the last two nights in what was his room, but now is my little cozy spot, but also still have little parts of his things. Thats the first thing I did. I couldn't stand going down the hall and seeing his room and him not being in it. I did start writing letters and that helps to. I also light a blue candle, I'm going to do this everyday till I leave for graduation. I think I'll have to buy more candles. This site is the best thing ever. He definitly keeps me busy, it's AWESOME. It's going to be fun to compare notes with each other.
Hope you are doing good. I can't believe it's been 4 days. I seem to have the hardest time in the evening. I think because he was gone all day and would come home at night. I would always be waiting for that loud thumping of music coming down the road. I told him a couple of weeks to go to turn it down so I would get use to not hearing it. Crazy! How is the weather up in Washington? I have a brother in-law that lives in Liberty Lake. I want to visit Washington, its a beautiful state. I have gone as far as Montana. Love Montana been there twice in the pass 4 years. Are you going to be at the Graduation? I'm about 7-8 hrs from there. What is your son's job? Where is he going for A school? Mine is a OS (operational Specialist) he will stay in GL which I was happy. I can go see him there, but I think only on the weekends. After that who knows where he will in up at. Have a good day. Talk to you later.
Recruit Man - Ronny
Welcome to NavyForMoms.com!!
Jun 15, 2012
Hi, my son also left June 13 to GL for BC. I know what you mean about missing your son tons. My is the only child. I sleep in his pajamas bottoms the last two nights in what was his room, but now is my little cozy spot, but also still have little parts of his things. Thats the first thing I did. I couldn't stand going down the hall and seeing his room and him not being in it. I did start writing letters and that helps to. I also light a blue candle, I'm going to do this everyday till I leave for graduation. I think I'll have to buy more candles. This site is the best thing ever. He definitly keeps me busy, it's AWESOME. It's going to be fun to compare notes with each other.
Jun 15, 2012
I forgot to say, your picture of you and your son. His face expression reminds me of what my son would do. BOYS!
Jun 15, 2012
Good Morning,
Hope you are doing good. I can't believe it's been 4 days. I seem to have the hardest time in the evening. I think because he was gone all day and would come home at night. I would always be waiting for that loud thumping of music coming down the road. I told him a couple of weeks to go to turn it down so I would get use to not hearing it. Crazy! How is the weather up in Washington? I have a brother in-law that lives in Liberty Lake. I want to visit Washington, its a beautiful state. I have gone as far as Montana. Love Montana been there twice in the pass 4 years. Are you going to be at the Graduation? I'm about 7-8 hrs from there. What is your son's job? Where is he going for A school? Mine is a OS (operational Specialist) he will stay in GL which I was happy. I can go see him there, but I think only on the weekends. After that who knows where he will in up at. Have a good day. Talk to you later.
Jun 16, 2012