Pearl Harbor MA



United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
Totally new to the whole military thing. Just found out my son is shippng out to basic on his 21st birthday next month.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • lemonelephant

    I see that your son will have A School in San Antonio.  Is he going to be a Master at Arms?
  • lemonelephant

    As it gets closer to time for him to leave for A School, you should join San Antonio MA's.  There is a lot of good info there.  My Sailor has been an MA for just over 2 years.  He is at his second duty station and, most of the time, loves it.  If you have a question I can help with, just ask.  Blessings to you and yours.

  • jakesmom (Ship 03 Div 143)

    Did your son just get to bootcamp Tuesday? Mine just arrived Tuesday night about the same time in Great Lakes. Same as you, as soon as I fell asleep he called but he is okay. Jake was excited about going and kept telling me so but I could hear the nervousness in his voice. He has a very good friend who graduated on the 11th and he told me its not terrible. He said they don't sleep for about 36 hours at first then its better. Will be praying for your son along with mine. Keep in touch!
  • jakesmom (Ship 03 Div 143)

    Im glad he is doing ok. I watched the video of bootcamp and I felt a little better after that and talking to his friend that is there. Im sorry to hear about your daughter. I was an aide in special ed for 4 years and went back to school to get my teaching certificate. I had been a nurse for 18 years before that and needed a change. I was in high school and am doing my student teaching at the high school now. What school are you at? By theway, I love your screen name. Awesome!
  • lemonelephant

    If I can be of help, let me know.  Like I said before, as it gets closer to time for him to leave for A School, you should join San Antonio MA's.  Take care and blessings to you and your soon-to-be Sailor.
  • SAwife11

    do you know what his Div is yet?
  • SAwife11

    hey so since our boys r/were in the same div i wonder if they ever got the chance to meet or talk. it would have been nice to meet and chat at PIR. wish you and your SR the best of luck! i have that ship 03 div 144 group page and will leave my account open. hopefully you can find other moms from our division to join the group. :)
  • SAwife11

    No disrespect its a question of curiosity. I asked my fiance the same thing when he said he was coming home and he said that he gets to keep the sweat, yellow tshirt and sweatshirt and also the blue camaflouge (i think). he said that he hadn't gotten his formal wear so instead of getting that he switches it for a plane ride or something like that he said. and quick question. did you join the ship 03 div 144 group i made for us last week? if not he is the link
  • SAwife11

    oh i didn't know she started on. I knew that she started the PIR date but not the Div one. i'll have to check that out. do you have the link for it?
  • CKD's~mom(Ship 03, Div 145)

    my son went in on the 23rd.... from Cali!he is in Ship 03, Div 145.... PIR is on 4/22/2011
  • NavyGF staying strong

    Hey,  hope everything is well with you and hope your having a good day. My sailor has been there for 3 weeks and I still haven't received a letter yet. Have you? Ive gotten one call but that was March 1st and it was only for a 30 seconds.
  • NavyGF staying strong

    Wow... Not encouraging and that is ridiculous. Well we are gonna hope for the best and keep our fingers crossed. Next week will mark our halfway mark so that's exciting. :-)
  • NavyGF staying strong

    Me too. I never been so excited about receiving mail and buying stamps in my life. lol You truly learn not to take the small things for granted. :-)
  • MaryJune (s3/d141)

    Hi there! I bought that bumper sticker on the Navy base here in my hometown. My dad is retired Navy so I'm able to get on base with my mom.

    Do you know if our future sailors are going through hell week this week? I started thinking it was last week, but I don't know now.

  • LoveHim4/29

     well I havn't even bought my ticket yet, but I was thinking about flying into O'Hare because I heard it's closer to Boot Camp. What do you recommend?, I'm most likely traveling alone so I would really appreciate any type of help on information or even a ride :)
  • annamichael

    hi! I love the shirts you ordered.. Is there any way we can order them online, rather than by mail? OR do you know if they take cash?
  • Elaine-PIR 10/1/10

    Hi, I was on this site a while back, came back to see what had been going on. Is your Sailor in San Antonio now? If so, have you been able to go see him? Long tradition of service to our country in my Sailor's background, including his dad, retired now for 18 years at the end of this month. My Sailor is the fourth of his generation on both sides of the family to join. Three Navy, 1 Air Force. He is the only one on active duty. It appears that you are just getting started on this journey. Isn't it fun?????? Lots to learn, but it does get easier. I was a Navy Wife for almost 10 years, four moves, 1 to Japan less than a year after getting married and with a 4 month old baby, my oldest son. Back to the East Coast, where I am from, for three years, then to San Diego for just over 2 years. Sailor was born in San Diego. Then back to Texas when we retired. We have lived in Weatherford for 16 1/2 years. One thing I do know is that after all these years of being out of the Navy, it is fun to be back in, except for the missing my kid part. A lot of Karma has put him where he is on his journey, starting with boot camp. Have a great day, hope I haven't taken up too much of your time.
  • jean

    my son is with the submairne force  and has been in Pearl for about two years now  he says to tell all the new guys to go the MWR office and they all kinds of classes to go to like on how to buy a car and how to do your Taxes  and for him to go to chapel when his schedule permits.  my son has duty alot of times on sundays so he can not go to chapel but he has a Navy Bible so he reads that alot and he is trying to find a bible study on base. we visit PH in May and found a chapel real close to the nex. Hope this helps  off and on there is a group of moms and dads that together for lunch around the ft worth area we try to do it around the holidays but alot of people are taking care of other family members or just busy with family or work.

    so look for posting about the next lunch time and maybe you can come.