

Lakeland, FL

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
My son is currently deployed on USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN, I'm a mom and grandmother.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
Write often, stay in touch, be supportive
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

Comment Wall:

  • bobbie (ht mom)

    hi counrtywoods u an call me bobbie....maybe we can go thru this together im here if you ever need to talk
  • bobbie (ht mom)

    hi thx for replying... my son is in greece was great at first 4 days lol then he tells me no contact for 3 weeks ship leaving dock for unknown destination :( so he i am on pins and needles and to top it off he tells me 2 days ago he is homesick cant eat anything and my mom mode kicked in lol breaks our hearts to hear things like that and to know we cant fo anything about it .... how are things with you? im here also if you ever need anything of nothing else we can hold pity parties lol jk and please keep in touch feels good to know im not the only one who finds it hard

  • bobbie (ht mom)

    im bobbie kendall smithfield north carolina :)

  • bobbie (ht mom)

    there are a million u`s on there lol try to find me please lol

  • navymom656

    Hi. Thank youf for requesting friendship. Let's keep in touch
  • Graysmom

    Hi CW, thanks for the add. My name is Diane. My son is an ABEAA on the Lincoln.

  • Graysmom

    Great pics. I assume that's your son and his son? Very cute.

    Yes I know about "power of atty", I've told him he should do that for me but "he's grown now". The liberty buddy thing is a given.  I'm guessing now that he was stuck on the ship, maybe, and couldn't get any money to go back out. I'm not sure.  I had him on facebook chat for a few minutes so he must have had access to a computer. I'm assuming that's only on the ship. So I left him some detailed instructions on what to email Navy Federal. They were very specific about how they wanted to verify who he was. ugh...makes a mom crazy. :)

  • IRIS-SHIP-11 DIV-167


  • mattsmom

    Hi I'm Sue, thanks for the friend request. My son Matt has only been in for 5 months and already on deployment. He's doing good though, and that's the main thing!!!!


    Hello Countrywoods, your grandson is soooooo cute!!!! My daughter will be a MM when she gets to her ship. I guess growing up a only girl made her want to get dirty!!! LOL... We are from North Carolina, Where are you guys from? Thanks for the friend request.

  • mattsmom

    Hi, my son graduated bootcamp last October, went to A school in Pensacola for 4 weeks, and then to San Diego thinking he would be there 4 years. He was only there a week and got deployed, needless to say we were all shocked, but he seems to be doing ok.

    As of now he's in the laundry room as his job is undesignated, although he will be working in Aviation eventually. 


    Ship to shore card??? Is that like a calling card??

  • proud4son85

    Hi countrywoods.


    I saw you on chat but didnt get to talk to you. My son is on the Vinson so our sailors are in close waters. What does your son do for his job? My son is a Machine Repairman on the ship.


    Hope to chat with you soon,



  • Valtameri

    I'm sorry to hear that about the Plane Captain qualification. It's sad that it often comes down to whether another person does his/her part. I hope Landon doesn't feel too down about it. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you over the weekend; I have been crazy busy!

  • Valtameri

    Wow, guess I don't look at my own page very often! Just saw your comment about the jet crash. Yes, I did see that. Amazing that no one was killed. My son was stationed there for several months.

  • Valtameri

    I love that picture of Daddy and his baby zebra!

  • Valtameri

    Too bad they can't fly home with those wings!

  • Sue-Pillowcase lady

    my son was also an AM on the Lincoln.   Take the tiger cruise if at all possible.  The "ultimate" cruise.