Sheilamf #2 PIR10/10/14 Div 318


Jarrettsville, MD

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
My youngest son is scheduled for his PIR 10/10/2014. I also have a Marine (3 years) & another Sailor (3 years). The Sailor is a Submariner stationed in Groton, CT.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the featured forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community.
    Also, check out this OPSEC Internet Safety Video

    Enjoy your time here and we look forward (along with the community) to
    reading more about you! :)

    Elizabeth and Colleen
  • Terri(Machinist Mate Mom)

    Hi. Good Luck to him!!!!


  • Betsy, mom of Stennis sailor

    Hi, Sheila.  My son graduated from BC in Dec.  so I'm one of our veteran moms.   Are you on the Maryland Mom's group.  We get together every once in a while and have lunch.  You should join that group if you aren't on it yet.   I see that you are on one Maryland group, but there is also another one.  Here is the link:  

    I guess I will join the other one too.  :)   

  • raykesmom (Ship 07 Div 340)

    My name is Bobbie and Rayke's last name is Fuller. 

    I almost missed talking to him because my stupid phone dropped the call before it answered!  He called his dad, then called me back! 

    Our PIR date is iffy now.  Rayke, who is in top physical condition, has tendonitis (shin splints)!!!  He has passed everything else, but running is tanking him.  If he can't pass the running portion, they will keep him another month on "no activities", then let him try again.  Ironically, he is supposed to eventually be stationed on an aircraft carrier.  I'm sure running that mile and a half in 12 minutes will come in handy...  

    How is your baby doing?
  • Lil Angie 74

    He sounded, well proud in the call I received, he getting. Through everything great, except. For the run, which he must have done better on, he is one of the sweetest kids, I hope,That is serving him well at BC!
  • Lil Angie 74

    In the letter I got from him last week, he said there is a possibility. He will. Have a week with us after pir, don't really understand, but maybe they wont be ready for them in TX yet?
  • Lil Angie 74

    Hello thought you would like to know my son just sent a letter, starting to get more, he says they write on tues and thurs now in addition to Sunday's, and it's mandatory!, lol it's not his favorite, but he says they get 25 mins so it's nice, says hes passed all exams, next one though is for everyone, as a team, he added they are all starting to do better;) and it's going fast, just practiced BS's went well for all.
  • Aaron's mom

    Hi. I just saw your friend request. Yes, my son will be going to Groton. I have no idea what time he will leave, but I assume it will be sometime on Saturday. I cannot wait until next week so I can see him. I miss him terribly. Are you going to the meet and greet next week? If so, I look forward to meeting you.
  • sailormoon

    what a small world.  I lived in Hickory growing up and went to Bel Air High.  My husband lived in Bel Air and also went to Bel Air High.  My son was born in Franklin Square and baptized at St. Matthew Lutheran.  Probably the last time he lived there.  How great to find someone from our home town area.  Nice that your son already has his boat. We are just hoping Chris makes it that far.  He has a seafood allergy that they are looking into.  Get this of all things - crabs!  What kind of kid born in MD to MD parents is allergic to crabs. lol  Well here's hoping.  I've got to take a run up there in a few weeks to take him some chipped beef and gravy.  Pity they don't have Eskay up there.  lol  Gotta get to bed. Night

  • sailormoon


    Sorry, I guess that was kinda confusing.  My son is allergic to crabs but oddly enough not all shellfish.  By the way, my name is Cathy.  My husband is getting ready to retire and he's an officer.  I'm just really glad to finally stop moving around and settle down. :)  It's kinda cool that you have two that are willing to serve.  I have 6 kids but only the one in the militarty.  My three youngest are in college and my oldest three are scattered.  But at least they come often or as often as they can.