

Duluth, MN

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am a mom of 2 wonderful children. I have a wonderful husband to support me through the time of our son joining the Navy and our daughter off at Graduate School.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
We have a great Navy Family!

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to NAVYForMoms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our
    Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video and this Survival Guide for NavyForMoms Newbies that was created by one of our members.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)


  • Recruit Man - Ronny

    send me a request to callsforrecruits@gmail.com :)

  • Arwen

    A seabag is the big green backpack-bag that sailors are issued to carry their gear. You can usually find them at Army-Navy stores for just a few dollars.They're easier to handle than suitcases or boxes, and can fit an amazing volume of gear.

  • Arwen

    The day before your recruit is due to ship out s/he will report to the recruiter's office, where s/he will take a drug test and weigh-in, and complete some paperwork. Then the recruiter will drive him/her to a hotel near MEPS, where recruits get a meal ticket and a room. They cannot have ANYONE in their rooms, even spouse/children, and must be in that room by curfew. In many places they are told they may not leave the hotel, even to have a last dinner with the family, but there is a lounge/restaurant at most hotels used by MEPS to house incoming recruits.

    In the morning all recruits at MEPS (all services) will be picked up at about 5:30 am, either by a bus/van if there are a lot of them, or by their recruiter, and taken to MEPS.

    When he/she arrives at MEPS he/she will take a final physical exam, weight, and drug test, then wait to be called by a processing clerk. When s/he finally gets his/her turn at the desk, s/he will provide IDs once again, sign a thick packet of papers, then s/he will sit in a waiting area.

    When everyone is finished with paperwork (at this point recruits are mixed - Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard), they are all taken to a special room (if family members are waiting in the MEPS waiting room, they can be there for this part) where they will be sworn in. They often do two ceremonies, one ending with "So help me God" and one finishing with "I do so affirm," as preferred by each recruit. It's a very crowded little room, with almost no space for an audience, so pictures are difficult. Many MEPS officers, who do the ceremony, will recreate this ceremony with individual recruits for family members to take pictures.

    Then the recruits go back to the office, each is given their file, recruits are separated into small groups according to their service/destination and given meal vouchers to eat at the airport. One recruit will be put in charge of the group. They will be loaded onto a van, charter bus or are given subway/train tickets to the airport. At this point they will be expected to stay with the group but are not supervised.

    You CAN go to the airport to meet your recruit, you may be able to get a gate pass to sit with your recruit at the USO or the gate if there is time before the flight. A better option is to make sure your recruit has his/her cell phone to call and chat while waiting. They cannot use their phone at MEPS or on the plane, but they can call from both the originating airport and the Chicago airport.

    When your recruit arrives at the Chicago airport, they take an hour to get a meal (Chicago Pizza was my son's choice). They should make it a big meal - it may be the last one they eat for a day or two.  Then report to the USO office, where a bus will pick up the recruits and take them to RTC.

    Once they step on the bus they must turn their cell phone off. Those who have cell phones will get to make a 10 second call from their phones a few hours later. Those without cell phones will be provided with a pay phone. If your recruit does not have a cell phone, make sure s/he has change or a calling card to make that call, it is NOT free. A few hours later the recruits put their phones in a box with all of their other belongings (even their underwear!) to ship home,. Usually the battery is put in one shoe and the phone in the other.

    For more information about what happens next, you should watch the video Navy Racks: Boot Camp. It's a little bit dated, the uniforms are different now - but it gives an excellent over

  • tara

    Hey...I actually called the Navy Lodge to make the reservations, make sure you look up the number to speak to that location specifically.....they are very helpful. Not sure about the meet and greet...you?