ProudMama (ship 2 div 937)


Lancaster, PA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
Married with 2 sons. Youngest left for boot camp May 24th.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    Yeah, she left on May 25th, we expected her to have PIR July 30th but it was a week sooner. Her PIR was July 23rd. She was one of the very last ones in the division she was put in and they told her she was being "pushed" and would not be at bootcamp as long as she expected. I hope it works out the same for you so you can be at PIR and the wedding. I will keep my fingers crossed and say a little prayer as well. Good luck, and let me know how it turns out.
  • Sherblond

    Hi ProudMama, Thanks for responding, sorry I didn't see it sooner. Been a hectic last couple of weeks so I haven't been on here, also probably some denial of the How old is your son? Mine, Josh, is 20. Am so very proud of him, but when he signed 6 mos ago, thought May 24th seemed like so far off, unfortunately it has gone soooo fast. Good to talk to those who are going through the same thing, safety in numbers!
  • Sherblond

    I got a text at a little after 5pm saying Josh was at Ohare, said he was gonna be there for a couple of hours until the others get in before they take him to the training phone just rang at 8:50pm with the call....said he was at the training camp and he was calling to say he was there and he loved us....i guess it's official now!. You should get your call soon then...Hang in there!
  • Valtameri

    I saw your comment on a friend's page (CTmomof3) -- I just had a son graduate from boot camp and a daughter get married just two weeks later! When he enlisted, I remember thinking "I hope he doesn't have his graduation the DAY before the wedding." He didn't, thank goodness! However, he wasn't able to attend the wedding. We were going to try to talk to him via computer during the reception, but that didn't work out, so we had a brief chat by cell phone instead.

    Hope all works out for you and your sons!

  • sbeechl

    I called the recruiter and they got it for me.
  • Torres

    Hi I just got your friend request, My name is Jamie. My daughter and I our in California already making plans for traveling to graduation. Hope I do okay on a plane with a two year old. What unit is your son in? I know your heart is right there with him during bootcamp.
  • strawberry

    No, no call from my SR since the arrival call.  I'm thinking it is time for the 3 week call.  I'm keep my phone close.
  • Kathy-3/235

    Wow!  You're not that far from me.  Yes, my son is suppose to graduate 7/29/11.  Do you have a son graduating that day?
  • Kathy-3/235

    You are going to be so busy that weekend; you should get an award for this.  How old is your son at boot camp?  My son (he's 21 soon to be 22 in August) left on the 26th right before the tornados hit.  I am going to try to make reservations today at the Navy Lodge. I hope you have a good day. 
  • Kathy-3/235

    We are planning to go to the meet and greet.  How do we get the information regarding the time and location?  Our flight arrives that morning.  We are flying into Milwaukee because it was cheaper than flying into Chicago.  I was able to finally get a decent price for a rental but it is about a mile away from the airport (I guess we will either call a taxi or hitch hike there).  There is some kind of air show going on and the car rental prices are sky high.  Are you flying into Chicago?  Did you get a rental?

  • Kathy-3/235

    Thank you Proud Mamma for the meet and greet information.  I am a member of Costco so I called Cosco travel and went thru Enterprise.  It is an Enterprise location about a mile from the Milwaukee airport.  When I talked to Sarge today, he said rental prices might be better in Waukegan but it would cost money to get there by taxi unless they have some kind of shuttle or deliver it.  I believe we will get to Milwaukee sometime after 9:00 a.m. on Thursday.
  • BoosMom

    Another mom in our division, she has not heard from her son in the last two weeks either, Presley is holding the RTC flag in all three PIR's but another mother from another group told me her daughter did not get to do all three performances because they had too many extra, also Presley was changed about a week ago, she was holding the POW/MIA flag but they made changes and now she is RTC flag.  I am also including what her letter said this week below:

    I got a letter yesterday, they have really been busy I will list what she said:

    Last week- firefighting

    this week- tuesday- gas chamber

    today- final PFA thursday 7/21

    tomorrow- final academic test friday 7/23

    saturday- captains cup

    monday-tuesday 25-26- battlestations

    She said they are all worn out, practically get no sleep, the middle of the night they have to get up and iron for 30 minutes, then they have watch at night as well.  She sounds like the division is doing well even though she did not say anything about the flags or stuff like that.

    The countdown is really on now, this time next week, we shall be on our way!

  • jean

    Thanks for your prayers and hugs


  • Aaron's mom

    Hello. Thank you for sending the friend request. I am glad your son likes sub school. My son is not liking boot camp at all. This is only week 1 day 5. I got a letter yesterday and he seemed really beat. I know it will be better when his division learns to pull together. PIR is six weeks from today. Then he will be off to Groton. I hope he likes that better. I can't wait to see him. Do you get to speak to your son often, now that he is in school? I miss him like crazy! Sigh...
  • lynnvikings

    hi proudmama!!! Thank are awesome! No, my son has not called to confirm diablo graduation date. I am so glad you posted that. I just sent you a friend request. Hopefully you will friend me. Thanks! I tried replying to your comment, but could not figure out how to do that....:)
  • Terry'saproudmom(Ship02-Div936)

    My son is at Port Hueneme California...CM-Seabee, A school.  It has been great because we are 55 miles from there and have been able to have him home for the last six weekends.  He'll be serving as a Reserve will graduate A school on Nov 4th.  There were four Sailors from your PIR group who are at Port Hueneme with him and he is very close to.  Do you know Tonya Aragon.  Her husband graduated from Groton, CT last week also.  If you have a facebook account you can find me as Terry Lauermann
  • HockeyMom

    Nice to hear from you Proud Mama, my screenname is HockeyMom,  my son just gratuated out of Groton, Nov 2011,  he will deploy out very soon,  What is your son's job to be.  my son was selected 1 out of 300.  Very special honor.  Will help you in anyway I can,  He left bc 2/11/2011.  4 yrs to go and plans on re-enlisting, if I can help you and your son in any way let me know.  I live 2 hrs away in MA  and my daughter in law will be leaving for bootcamp in May so still learning, but seasoned Mom. 


  • HockeyMom

    Proud Mama, please keep in touch, would love to help your son in anyway, and one of my sons, sailors, he bc with etc, is still in groton, he could befriend him and help your son out, my sons sailor friend is also radioman, he is stationed there four 4 yrs and is from PA, GREAT PERSON AND HE JUST MARRIED HIS HIGHSCHOOL SWEETHEART,  LET ME KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN OUR 2-4-11 ALUMNI ON FB.  HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY,  AND I AM NOT YELLING, JUST DON'T CHANGE TO LOWER CASE JUST BECAUSE SOMETIMES AND SOMETIMES NOT, HOPE YOUR NOT OFFENDED