Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons


Brevard, NC

United States

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My Facebook Group: Navy Mom PIR Friends

Hi Friends, I'm am the Navy Mom who makes ribbons and many other items you have heard about. The ribbons are to wear to PIR (and Meet and Greet). They are a great way to show how proud you are of your sailor and also a great way to recognize other members of N4M's. Most divisions order the Navy colored ribbons with gold or silver letters. They are not too frilly so they are suitable for men as well. The 800 divisions usually order black with gold letters. If you want ribbons make sure you order them at least a week before you leave for PIR so you get them on time. I can do overnight shipping but it is about $18.00 so it is best to order early. I take checks, money orders and PayPal. Send me a friend request and I will send you the info for ordering the ribbons. You can see sample pics of the ribbons and many of the other items I make here on my page or you can visit my facebook page and my website.Check out My Face Book page: Unique Memory Makers, be sure and "like" my page. You can also get to my facebook page through a link on my website.

Our Navy Journey:
I have a daughter who joined the Navy in April 2010, she had PIR in July, and was on a chartered flight to Pensacola. She was in the performing division at boot camp and was in the choir. She got engaged right after boot camp and got married during A-school. She is now finished with school and is an AO. Her husband left for boot camp 4 days after they got married and is now finished with school. They are currently based in VA. If you have any questions at all I am happy to help just let me know.

WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP---- Sometime during the summer months or even before check out the group Navy for Mom's Holiday Project. Each year they choose a group of sailors to send Christmas stockings filled with goodies. You can get your friends, your church, your local schools to help and maybe next year we will have so many people helping that we can do more than one ship. How awesome would that be. It doesn't matter if you can send one box or 50. All is greatly appreciated. And it is so much fun. We made our own Christmas cards to send with the 15 stockings and goodie bags that our family did together. We had a great time doing it and you will too.

You may contact me here on N4M's by sending me a friend request or you can send me a message on my FaceBook page. You can also send me a private email message to I look forward to hearing from you and would be happy to make ribbons for you to wear to PIR and show support for your Sailor. Thanks so much :-)
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
Cherish every minute you have with your sailor. Expect things to not go as planned and be very flexible. Look forward to the next adventure your sailor will have..... I repeat Be Flexible.... Expect craziness and hope and pray for calmness. And One more thing.... Do Not try to drive 16 hours up and 18 hours back by your self in 3 days!!!!!! IT is CrAzy.... I recommend You FLY :)
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • MyLAS (My Lips are SEALed)

    PS, LaLa - my Navy Mom decal still looks great  !

  • angelica Ship-13 Div-365

    Hi wanted to order some ribbons for my son's PIR on Nov 9... If you can let me know what I need to do...

  • Ctownmom (Ship 13, Div 011)

    LaLa -how long is the leadtime for your ribbons? I would like to order some but PIR isn't until Nov.21st for us. Thanks,

  • Josh 24K's Mom

    Hey I can not find where you posted tips for avoiding delays when checking onto base for PIR. Will you re-post? Thank you so very much!

  • 2fast4u!

    Hi Lala Ribbon, I definitely need help. I would really like to see some pics orf my little sailor performing. I sent you a friend request. I would like to order some ribbons let me know what I need to do to get them.

  • ElsieS

    Hi Lala, Have an order in my cart at your website, but it is saying I have not filled out the field for the American flag.  What info do I put there?  My son's father was in the USCG and his grandfather was in the USN.  Do you need to know how many ribbons get a flag?  Since it's so close to PIR, I can just place the order without the flag if that makes the order go faster!  We are staying at the NavyLodge so maybe it would be better for you to ship the ribbons there for our PIR 11/30?

  • BradMom

    hey, just tried to send you an friend request.   

  • NavyM♥m

    Just wanted to let you know I received the ribbons I ordered from you. They arrived in plenty of time for 11/30 PIR. Thank you for rushing to get them in the mail so quick. I really appreciate it.

  • 1proudrn

    Dear Lora - I really need to talk to you about my son. I know your not the all omniscient Navy mom but maybe you could help me deal with some issues my son is having. Would you have a few minutes to call me? I think we are both on the east coast so if you have time after 8pm that would be great. If not...just write me back and maybe we could somehow chat on line.
    Your help has been seriously appreciated.
    Sincerely - Diane
  • lhawkins

    hey, how do I order a ribbon?

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Hi Lala - trying to get my ribbons ordered but I have a question on the window decals - are they the re-usable kind or the permanent kind (like where you rub it on with a credit card)?

  • azlyn

    Hello lala,

    i would to order this ribbon how would i do that, my duahters PIR is on Jan 4, 1213


  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Just placed my order for my ribbons and window decals - woohoo - so getting ready for this!

  • lise va

     may your daughter and grandbaby be safe my prayers are with them and you

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Got my PIR ribbons today - love, love, love them! And the window stickers and magnet are cool too - Thanks Lala!  Less than a week to go :)

  • lhill82125

    I hope you are feeling better Lala!! I haven't had the flu but heard it i a bad one this year!!

  • jskmom/Linda

    Thank you Lala. I will ordering ribbons this weekend.
  • mlwtaw9493 (Ship 02 DIV 909)

    I just got my ribbon today...Yay!  Thanks Lala, it's beautiful.Santa%20Barbara-20121231-00049.jpg

  • mlwtaw9493 (Ship 02 DIV 909)

    Thanks Lala...I hope you don't mind that I took the pix.  I wanted to show my friends on FB of this beautiful artwork that you have created.  I so cried when it came...can't wait for my recruit's PIR on 11JAN13


  • knappi

    Thank you Lala i just ordered my Ribbons!

  • JaneWilliams

    Hello I ordered my ribbons Dec 24th, but have not received them yet. I ordered three ribbons for Matt div 075. Can you tell me when I can expect to be shipped?

  • JaneWilliams

    Thank you for the information about the PIR ribbons. I look forward to receiving them. Thank you for your reply. Jane

  • Tysmom1015(Ship02Div910)

    Hi, hubby just told me you called today...when would be a good time to reach you tomorrow?
  • Danae

    Morning LaLa,
    Not sure I posted message last night. Just want to confirm my order for PIR 1/25.. I'll be leaving on 1/23. Thank-you for all your kind support
  • teacher/mom Ship 11 Div 108

    Hi LaLa I am interested in purchasing some of your beautiful ribbons. What info do you need to create them? Also what canbe printed on them? I am so new to this.

  • knappi

    Good morning - the tracking number that you sent me is still coming up not available? this is the number you sent 9405 5096 9993 8370 9745. I did take away the spaces. Can you double check them for me>


    THank you - Karen

  • Rena ship2div913

    my son is graduating Feb 8, 2013, is it too late to order my ribbons?

  • geemom3

    My son's PIR is 3/8.  Is there still time to order ribbons?  Please send me the link.  Thank you.

  • UBU'sMom

    I want to be included in the ribbons for our PIR (4/19). I think this is a neat idea.
  • S02 DIV923 mommamac

    I would like to order ribbons for PIR 4/19. Not sure how to go about it
  • Tinkerbell

    Beautiful! You are a very talented girll!!

  • proudmom63

    hello, I am so happy I "found" you. I had read so much about ribbons but never knew what it was all about.  my sr's PIR IS 4/5/13 AND i WOULD lOVE TO ORDER SOME RIBBONS!

    how do i go about this. he will be a MM in NUKE  does that influence the ribbons or colors?

    thanks for any info and help!

  • proudmom63

    also his ship is 13 and div 139

  • proudmom63

    ohhhhh, they are soooo cool and cute!  so excited  can't wait to see my SR! 14 days!

  • proudmom63

    thanks for the ribbons, lala....Love Them!!!!!!!

  • Debbie(13/140)

    Thank you Lala, the ribbons are beautiful!! As you promised I received them before we leave for PIR!! Thank you!!!!
  • LALS

    LOL. I'm just getting it! I've seen your name for weeks, you 're a ribbon maker! Is there somewhere to see examples?
  • scottstar

    Hi Lala, I am with PIR 5/3/13 and have an order for Ribbons and Ornaments that I was placing online and wanted to make sure I would have them in time?

  • AngieW (12/168)

    Good Morning!

    I am trying to confirm that my ribbon order has been received and the message box on N4Ms is not working.  I'll send an email.

  • mom53

    Good Morning,
    Just sent a friend request. Looking forward to ordering ribbons for our sons PIR May 31st. Please send me the details to do so.

  • Turtle

    I'm hoping you got my request for 4 ribbons but I haven't seen a reply to give you details.  I know this is very short notice as his PIR is 5/10. It would be so nice to be able to surprise him with your special ribbons. Hope I hear from you!

  • joyce

    hey, got my order. thank you so much. love it. I will order again in the future. thanks for all of your help. esp. during boot camp. your info. was helpful and much appreciated. Joyce

  • Alexismom

    Hi just sent a friend request hoping to order 2 ribbons or more before 5/31 PIR date. Thanks
  • lmcbwnc

    Hi LaLa! I am in waynesville! I want a ribbon to wear on 7/3. I will order. Thank you for all you do for us moms. So you will not have a sailor PIRing on 7/3? Do you think it is best to fly? I'll rent a car in case my sailor wants to sight see since the next day is 7/4. I would love to stay in touch since we are "neighbors" and please check out my website: I am a stained glass artist of 20 years and want to design navy panels for our sailors and their families. what do you think?

  • NavyMom1207 (Ship 12/Div 247)

    Hi Lala, Can you help direct me to the Facebook PIR 3JUL13 group?  I would like to see what is being discussed there.  Thank you

  • angelalovesD(Ship 14 Div 274)

    LaLa,  I receive my ribbons today.  I am a happy blubbering fool.  They are beautiful!!!!  Thank you for all you do for everyone here!!!  You are an angel!!!



  • NavyMomAFWife

    Just found out about your ribbons.  I want to order ribbons for my daughter's PIR 26 July 2013.  We are arriving Wednesday 7/24.  Please let me know how to place the order.  Thanks for all you do.

  • lemonelephant

    Congratulations on the new granddaughter. She is adorable. Prayers for the new family and for your mom and her health and for you and your dad as you deal with everything. (((((Lala)))))

  • V2D29

    Love your ribbons and would like to order some for my SRs 8-30-13 PIR!  Plesae let me know how to do this and what you need!

  • debbie315

    hello.  would love to order several of your ribbons for my grandsons graduation 08-31-2013.  would you give me info on how to order thank you