Now I'm a nervous wreck mom with a newly enlisted son. He joined BY 26th Aug, 2014. I got the call about 2030 mst. And now i find myself all day wondering what he's doing how things are going, what's being taught, asked, shown, expected etc. I want to know it all. And what's the best way to keep his spirits alive and interact with him.
You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
Your future Sailor may want to join to learn the ins and outs from the DEP point of view. Craig runs that and will steer him to some good links on there.
I am totally lost and not sure where our how to post my comments. My son just shopped to boot camp on 26the Aug, got the call that he was there and sending me his box. Now I'm going crazy wondering what his days ate like how is he doing, praying for his strength and health to hold up. Can anyone tell me what he's doing? He can't have contact for 3 weeks!
Welcome toBoot Camp Moms (and loved ones). I look forward to sharing this journey with you.Be sure to check out the Pages (found under the pictures of the Members) for information on what to expect and to help you prepare for PIR.Start withOPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile)andArrival and What Happens at the RTCand read 1 or 2 pages a day and then go back to them as you need the info.What is your recruit's rating (job/specialty) going to be? There are groups for most ratings and/or "A" Schools and knowing that will help you to better plan for PIR weekend. Take care and blessings to you and yours.
Comments on this page are for you. Others do not see them unless they happen by. To reply to someone who posts here, click on "Comment Back" or "View Thread" below the comment.
Jennifer, you can post in any group you join; you can post in one of the forums--either start a new discussion or reply to something already posted (don't go back more than a week or so, especially not into things that are years old); you can post a Blog (include a title) or comment to a Blog that is already posted. When someone comments here, you can click on "Comment Back" or "View Thread" below the comment and then leave a comment for the person on their Comment Wall.
Jennifer our daughter is Ship 02 Div 950 no phone call yet.. I have joined a couple of FB groups and I am getting myself confused where I have posted comments. BE STRONG
Navy for Moms Admin
Welcome to NAVYForMoms!
You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!
If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video and this Survival Guide for NavyForMoms Newbies that was created by one of our members.
Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)
Aug 4, 2014
Join the group, DEP-Leavin for bootcamp in August. You will meet others with loved ones leaving 08/26/2014 or that week who may be in the same TG and have PIR together. Be sure to check out the discussion, Things to Do in the Last Month before Your Future Sailor Leaves for.... I also suggest you to join Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones) and begin checking out the Pages (found under the pictures of the Members) and Discussions there.
Your future Sailor may want to join to learn the ins and outs from the DEP point of view. Craig runs that and will steer him to some good links on there.
Aug 4, 2014
Aug 29, 2014
Welcome to Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones). I look forward to sharing this journey with you. Be sure to check out the Pages (found under the pictures of the Members) for information on what to expect and to help you prepare for PIR. Start with OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) and Arrival and What Happens at the RTC and read 1 or 2 pages a day and then go back to them as you need the info. What is your recruit's rating (job/specialty) going to be? There are groups for most ratings and/or "A" Schools and knowing that will help you to better plan for PIR weekend. Take care and blessings to you and yours.
Aug 29, 2014
Comments on this page are for you. Others do not see them unless they happen by. To reply to someone who posts here, click on "Comment Back" or "View Thread" below the comment.
Aug 29, 2014
Jennifer, you can post in any group you join; you can post in one of the forums--either start a new discussion or reply to something already posted (don't go back more than a week or so, especially not into things that are years old); you can post a Blog (include a title) or comment to a Blog that is already posted. When someone comments here, you can click on "Comment Back" or "View Thread" below the comment and then leave a comment for the person on their Comment Wall.
Aug 29, 2014
Jennifer, several of us who have kids that shipped this week have found each other on the DEP Leaving for BC in August group & also on the Bootcamp forum page
We're here to get support & give support! I know exactly how you feel. Following the day-by-day lemonelephant referenced is so helpful!
Aug 29, 2014
Jennifer our daughter is Ship 02 Div 950 no phone call yet.. I have joined a couple of FB groups and I am getting myself confused where I have posted comments. BE STRONG
Sep 7, 2014
The Page, 800 and 900 Divisions, within Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones) will be of interest to you since you have a recruit in a performing division. I believe that Division 950 is Triple Threat.
Sep 8, 2014