andimc14 ship13 div37


Boston, MA

United States

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I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it

Comment Wall:

  • Joniana (Helen)

    Hi andipanda1114!  I've sent you a friend request so we can also do private messaging.  Just wanted to tell you that our sons talked up a storm yesterday on the way to the hotel.  It was great to get to know your son a little.  My son just texted that their group is great, he would love for them all to be in the same division.  It really feels good to see them on such a positive track!  Hang in there -- we'll survive! 

  • lemonelephant

    I see you have joined NUKE moms; you may also want to check out Nuke School Charleston and Nuke A School FAQ. The Rating Information Card for NF can be found at Your Sailor will most likely fly out to "A" School the day after PIR. See PIR Day and Liberty During PIR Weekend to help you know how to plan your weekend.

  • lemonelephant

    Welcome to Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones). I look forward to sharing this journey with you. Be sure to check out the Pages (found under the pictures of the Members) for information on what to expect and to help you prepare for PIR. Start with OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) and Arrival and What Happens at the RTC, and read 1 or 2 pages a day and then go back to them as you need the info. Take care and blessings to you and yours.

  • lemonelephant

    INDOC: Indoctrination; instruction related to a school, command, or rate

    It's involves more than just a wait time as one mom indicated to you.

    The Page, What does ??? mean? (A Guide to Navy Abbreviations and Terminology), will help you with many of the new terms you will come across.

  • Joniana (Helen)

    Andrea, great picture of you and Derek!  Amazing to think that they're on their way now.  Hope you're hanging in there. 

  • Milette (Ship13/Div 037)

    andimc14, my son left 10/10 and we still haven't recvd the form letter. We were guestimating 12/13 for that group so I would guess the 20th at the earliest for yours, form letter will tell you for sure, as I have read on here many times don't make any hotel/flight arrangements until you get that :-) Hope this helped.

  • wendy.from.oregon

    That is hilarious! You'll have to send him a letter or 2 from the dog :) I already planned on that for my daughter, too.

    I haven't been able to check the mail yet. Fingers crossed the form letter is in there today! But I really think Friday is when I will get it. Most people have said a week after the box is received is when you get the letter.


    We got shoes, underwear, sports bra in Taylor's box. And her backpack...she must have chosen the largest backpack possible to bring with her...she doesn't understand the high cost of shipping yet, obviously! :) She will when she sees the cost come out of her first paycheck :)


    Where are you located? We are in Oregon.

  • Milette (Ship13/Div 037)

    I hope your calculations are right! Maybe my sons PIR will be 12/6! A week earlier than I'm expecting?? I will take it!! :-)

  • Joniana (Helen)

    Hi Andrea, I got the box yesterday (Wednesday).  Very stinky!! 

  • pachick2121

    My son Also left Oct my box of his stuff yesterday but no letter with info yet. I'm very confused about all of this and what to expect. Also confused about the div numbers how do I find that out? Any help would be so appreciated:-)
  • Milette (Ship13/Div 037)

    no call today, did you? I hope so :-)

  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    9 letters for the ribbons will not be a problem at all :) I look forward to making the ribbons for you an your family :)

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Welcome andimc14!  I see you joined Nuke Moms.  You might also want to join "Nuke School Charleston".  It's not as active but still has lots of good info.  Make sure you look in the "Discussion Forum" of both groups - especially the "Surviving Nuke School" and "Your Sailors Schedule Upon Arrival...."  Both can answer lots of questions you may have! 

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    We should try to work something out - my son has a bed (only 1 year old) a dresser, a nightstand and they have a 50" TV that they are selling.  He graduates from proto on 1/23 and will be leaving right away but if your son is interested maybe we could find a way for mine to get pictures to you and he could maybe leave the stuff somewhere (or with one of his buddies) and your son could get it. He's not looking to charge much - just some gas money I think!  The TV is the most valuable item.  Let me know if you would be interested.

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    It's a queen size bed.