Hi Cathy! Nice to meet you! I know you've gone to bed as you are a couple hours ahead of me. We used to live in Round Lake, of all places! I didn't even know about RTC when we lived there-and to think we were only about 15 miles away! My Sailor was almost 4 when we moved from there to So Cal-seems so long ago but then again it doesn't. Went way too fast. Anyhow, nice to meet you and will talk to you later!
Thanks, Cathy! I'm still in the Navy 101 phase of all of this, but I'm sure I will have tons of questions once we get past the first few weeks of RTC. I am going to email his recruiter tomorrow and get a copy of his contract, too, so I have all of that info.
⚓ darsatm ⚓
Gud morning,
here's some info on Sarge's M&G:http://www.navyformoms.com/events/pir-04-26-2013-sarge-s-meet-and-g...
the date is different but the info is the same. If u need anything else..please let me know.
Apr 16, 2013
funparklady Ship14 Div318
Thank you Cathy. Look forward to chatting.
Jul 10, 2013
Hi Cathy! Nice to meet you! I know you've gone to bed as you are a couple hours ahead of me. We used to live in Round Lake, of all places! I didn't even know about RTC when we lived there-and to think we were only about 15 miles away! My Sailor was almost 4 when we moved from there to So Cal-seems so long ago but then again it doesn't. Went way too fast. Anyhow, nice to meet you and will talk to you later!
Apr 29, 2014
Thanks again and have a great weekend!
Jun 26, 2014
Hi Cathy.
Mar 29, 2015
yay! hello friend!!! :)
Apr 10, 2015
elizabeth Nuke mama EM
Hi Cathy,
Roscoe is just north of Rockford.
Where is your sailor?
Aug 28, 2015
Join USS Maine SSBN-741/Naval Base Kitsap (Bangor) to connect with others with loved ones on that sub. You may also want to join Bangor/Bremerton/Kitsap Sailors and Family, and/or Sub Moms.
May 22, 2016