

Elk Grove, Ca

United States Minor Outlying Islands

Profile Information:

I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was concerned or afraid

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  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to Navy For Moms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions.  Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!  

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :) 


  • BunkerQB

  • BunkerQB

    You are welcome.  Good luck. Thank your recruit for us.

  • nursecat(ship 2/ DIV 942)

    momplus2- no i didnt get my letter toady :( I am so happy for u tho! Hopeully mine comes tomorrow.  As far as transportation from airport to hotel try Sarge's taxi service. I hear he is very helpful & friendly. He does a meet & greet on thursday before PIR & we are hoping to attend that as well. I'm pretty sure he has a page here on N4M, if you cant find it ask in the group & one of the veteran mom's can point u to him!

    Again, I'm very happy for you that yours came today & that u can finalize your travel plans. Its wonderful that it sounds like your son is doing well! :)

  • nursecat(ship 2/ DIV 942)

    momplus2, Thanks for the advice about the post office. I do not work on Friday so if I dont have it by then I am going to do talk to the postmaster. We did call recuiter yesterday. He said he would look into it & call us back. He didnt, so my husband is calling again today :)

    Just keeping my fingers crossed it will show up soon. Too bad u wont be in Great Lakes in time for Sarge's Meet & greet. We are planning to attend at this point. Well I'm off to work. Have a great day, I'll let ya know this evenig if it arrived!

    Thanks for everything! :)

  • nursecat(ship 2/ DIV 942)

    Hey momplus! Guess what?? No freaking letter again! UGH! So my husband went to the post office & talked to our post master. & of course she said there was nothing she could do about it since there wasnt a traking number. Really?? cuz my son at boot camp has time to run to the post office to pay extra to put a tracking number on a letter so the dumb post office doesnt lose it! AAAHHHH! I'm so frustratedI So what to do now? I guess hope my son gets all my letters & that I get a letter from him next week. Well hope u had a good Wednesday! Thanks for listening to me vent, u are great :)


  • nursecat(ship 2/ DIV 942)

    Well momplus, no letter again today. I called the post office & they opened a case to investigate & look for it & they will call me back. I called the Public Affairs office in Great Lakes. They wont tell me anything. Said I just have to wiat for my son to write me to get the ifo I need. My husband talked to the recruiter & he checked & said that yes my son is in SHip2/div942. So now I wait for a letter. Hopefully we will both get personal letters from our SRs soon! I'm not a patient person so this is driving me crazy! UGH!

    What hotel did u say u were staying in? We are staying at Navy Lodge. I hope u can make it for Sarge's Meet & Greet! I am looking forward to meeting you. Maye our sons are becoming friends too!

    Hope you have a wonderful Friday! I'll check in with you tomorrow to let you know if the letter came yet. Be sure to let me know when you hear from your son too!


    PS, Did u hear about the Colorado shooting?? I guess a couple Navy & Air Force people were involved & possibly killed. So sad. My heart goes out to their families!

  • momplus2

    Oh Man...well you are doing everything you can. If you have varification of his address....thats great!...write him and tell him to please write him a short letter to confirm the password and address and graduation date.

    As far as my hotel...I will be staying at the Ramada Inn...4.5 miles away from the navel base. They have a free shuttle to the base. It was only $71. a night. My son is not a letter I am not expecting any letters...I could be pleasantly surprised though.:) I will see if I can change my flight to come in earlier on the 30th...and I think I will change to leave on Monday...since they will have Monday off too. What is your son's name? I will ask my son in my next letter to him...this is going to be a tough son's 19th birthday is tomorrow! First year with no celebration:(....this is tougher than I thought it would be. Hang in there and again send your son a letter..ask him to call you with the information that would be faster. Have a positive Friday....Hugs

  • KellieW ship 4 div 303

    I am sure your son will love u to cook for him. Saves money on food too. I knew nothing bout the hotel in gurnee just. Went off reviews. Think this was like 80 a night. I am planning on going to surges meet and greet. Do we have to call him to reserve a spot or is it ok through here. I need to call him for the taxi
  • kazzam(SHIP 13 DIV 313)

    Hi, I did get your message re: phones and communication. I did get some replies back and it appears that the Sailors are all buying phones over there and establishing service there. Nex sells phones also.  The magic jack and vipor apps when added allow them to make long distance calls free. I haven't checked into that yet. I am still unclear about the wifi on the ship? Also,skype seems to be the way to go also. I have never used skype before so this should be interesting for me. Hope this helps. Kazzam