Loves Park, IL
United States
Since your recruit has a contract for Operations Specialist (OS), join OS MOMS. You will also want to join Great Lakes A School Q&A and GL A-school moms. You can also check out the Training Support Center (TSC) Great Lakes Facebook Page.
The Rating Information Card for OS can be found at (If you get the security warning, it is safe to go there.)
You will be able to enjoy extra time with your Sailor following PIR. Plan to leave late Sunday or on Monday if you are able to do that. (See PIR Day and Liberty during PIR Weekend.)
Jan 18, 2017
Since your recruit has a contract for Operations Specialist (OS), join OS MOMS. You will also want to join Great Lakes A School Q&A and GL A-school moms. You can also check out the Training Support Center (TSC) Great Lakes Facebook Page.
The Rating Information Card for OS can be found at (If you get the security warning, it is safe to go there.)
You will be able to enjoy extra time with your Sailor following PIR. Plan to leave late Sunday or on Monday if you are able to do that. (See PIR Day and Liberty during PIR Weekend.)
Jan 18, 2017