Atlanta, GA
United States
Jun 22, 2017
The Page, 800 and 900 Divisions, within Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones) will be of interest to you since you have a recruit in a performing division. I believe that Division 939 is Ship Staff/Honor Guard.
Write to your recruit and ask when Battle Stations-21 (BST) will be to know when to expect the "I'm a Sailor!" call.
Jun 24, 2017
Jun 22, 2017
The Page, 800 and 900 Divisions, within Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones) will be of interest to you since you have a recruit in a performing division. I believe that Division 939 is Ship Staff/Honor Guard.
Write to your recruit and ask when Battle Stations-21 (BST) will be to know when to expect the "I'm a Sailor!" call.
Jun 24, 2017