Frederick, MD
United States
The Page, 800 and 900 Divisions, within Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones) will be of interest to you since you have a recruit in a performing division. I believe that Division 920 is Triple Threat.
900 divisions usually go through Battle Stations-21 (BST) on the Monday night before PIR. Write to your recruit and ask when BST is to know for sure.
Feb 13, 2017
The Page, 800 and 900 Divisions, within Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones) will be of interest to you since you have a recruit in a performing division. I believe that Division 920 is Triple Threat.
900 divisions usually go through Battle Stations-21 (BST) on the Monday night before PIR. Write to your recruit and ask when BST is to know for sure.
Feb 13, 2017