JC's Momma


Harrisonburg, VA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
A full time Director Of Transporation for a CSB.
A full time mother of 2 of the most amazing kids.
A full time wife.
I believe that children are what they see, and we are molding them in to the adults they will soon become. I am blessed beyond measure.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
At Boot Camp now
When I heard “Navy,” I...
needed to learn more about it, had concerns or fears
Our Navy experience so far...
has presented us with many questions.

Comment Wall:

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Welcome to NAVYforMoms.com!   

    Head to “Settings” on the main page right away to add a profile image (no last names visible, please) and complete your Profile. Then - and this is important! - read these Community Guidelines and this Operations Security (OPSEC) Checklist, for the safety and privacy of all our Sailors.

    Then jump right in!  Browse around the site and check out the groups and the information in their Discussion Forums.

    Join this group for boot camp moms, where you'll also find a group for your Pass in Review (graduation) date; and this one for PIR Reference Information.  

    Get a head start during boot camp by joining groups for, and learning about, your Sailor's occupational specialty and "A" School; and later your Sailor's duty station and/or Navy ship and homeport. You can also join groups for your own state, region or home town and interests from getting ready for deployment to care package ideas!

    Please say Hi when you join a group, and feel free to ask any and all questions - everyone was new once, and there is no "dumb" question. 

    This site was created by the U.S. Navy just for you, and we look forward to getting to know you and your Sailor.  

    Welcome to the NAVY family - we're so glad you're here!!

    Your NAVYforMoms Admins

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Also, be sure to join the MEPS & DEP group:


  • lemonelephant

    The Page, What does ??? mean? (A Guide to Navy Abbreviations and Terminology), will help you with many of the new terms you will come across. 

  • JC's Momma

    I received the box....and cried. How soon will the letter come he arrived at boot camp on March 6th, 2018
  • Phoenixmom

    Love the pictures! here are some sites to read on that will give you an estimated time. if you have any other questions please feel free to message me. Glad to have you along.

    What will the first day be like at BC?

    See Arrival and What Happens at the RTC and Ship/Division--How it Works.

    How long is the "I'm here!" call and when will s/he be able to call again?

    See Phone Cards and Phone Calls.


    When will "The Box" come?

    It will usually arrive by FedEx within a few days, but it can take up to 2 weeks at times.

  • JC's Momma

    It's so comforting to read the excitement from so many mothers....I cannot wait until I to can share in this. Congrats to all the mommas! ❤
  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Comments that you leave on your page will be seen by you only. If you want to respond to a comment that someone left on your page click on the "comment back" or "view thread" at the bottom of their comment.

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    You can also change your profile to show your son is at boot camp now, rather than waiting to leave :)

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Under your settings on your page (on the left hand side of your "my page").  Click on that then  scroll down to "stage of Sailor's Navy career".  That is where you can change it to "in bootcamp now".  Be sure to hit "save" at the bottom when you are done!

  • Phoenixmom

    JC'SMom I am so sorry that you are feeling this way, I wish I had the words to say to you that would make you feel better, I know how you are feeling, I was so lost without my son. Is Your Recruit ok, is it that you are just missing him/her? No word No form letter yet? You should be receiving the form letter in a few days maybe next week. But the 3-4 weeks for first letter and call can be a bit much. Think positive and keep busy, try not to let this get you down so much, you will make yourself sick and that wont be no good for no one including yourself. Beleive me I know I did the same, I felt like I was Mourning my son and I had to snap out of it. if you need to talk I am here for you. I just dont want to see you like this. It gets better you have to beleive that, once you can start sending your letters it will make the time fly bye.

  • Phoenixmom

    You are welcome, I know what you are going through, I went thru the same thing I just posted it on BCM, I just want you to know that I am here if you need to talk, Everyone's Emotion are different and know you are not the only one who feels like this, even though sometimes it feels that way. I will check in on you to see how things are going ok.

  • Phoenixmom

    Hi, just wanted to check in with you to make sure you are ok. If you ever need to talk please let me know. Have a good weekend and rest your mind. If you haven't heard anything that is a good sign, he's busting his butt to get thru this and make it, you see how alot of these mothers are getting calls that their loved one didn't pass or sick and injured. You haven't received that call so that means he is doing good.  Pray for strength for yourself and son. He will make it. Have a good evening, and get some rest.

  • lemonelephant

    Join Ship 5 Moms(Formerly Ship 17) and see FAQ about SEPS and http://www.bootcamp.navy.mil/ship5/index.html for more information on SEPS.

    Be sure to have your recruit sign paperwork with legal so that they will be able to discuss the situation with you if your recruit wants that to happen. He will also have to sign the HIPAA form for you to speak with anyone about the medical condition.

    There is additional info for you at http://www.navydads.com/group/ship5formerlyship17 and http://www.bootcamp.navy.mil/ship5/ship5.txt.

    FAQ about SEPS indicates that phone calls are authorized daily, but the recruits may not have access to phones every day to make calls. Those in SEPS are usually able to go to the NEX at least twice a week--females on Monday/Wednesday and males on Tuesday/Thursday--and sometimes on Saturday and the recruits are able to access the phone banks on those days and make calls if they have a phone card.

    To join the Ship 5 SEPS fB group, click https://m.facebook.com/groups/535221726514465?tsid=0.54347966362468.... It is a closed group and you must be approved to join, which may take a few days to a week or so. Remember that the reasons for being in SEPS are as varied as the recruits there.

    "Separated" is now an option for “Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?” on your My Page. 

  • lemonelephant

    I sent changes in a PM. PM's are found in the Inbox in the upper left.

  • lemonelephant

    Comments on this page are for you. Others do not see them unless they happen by. To reply to a comment here, click on "Comment Back" or "View Thread" below the comment. 

  • Phoenixmom

    Hi, I read your post, I am extremely sorry for all if what is going on. I wish your son well wishes and a speedy recovery. You tell him to keep his head up, and continue to strive for what is in his heart. My prayers are with you.

  • Phoenixmom

    Hi have you heard any new info on your Son. How is he feeling. Were you able to speak to him. I don't know to much about this part of it. But I see LemonElephant has given you information. She is such a wonderful person and has much knowledge. Please keep me posted if you don't mind, I would like to continue keeping in touch, I know how hard all this has been for you and then to hear more upsetting news. You are in my prayers.

  • Phoenixmom

    I am so sorry, my heart is so saddened by this, this is completly out of his control with being sick, there is a protocol that needs to be followed for him to be released, that is wht you have been given the info from LemonElephant. But I can understand you wanting him home now. I just hope he doesnt go into a depression, tell him he will be home soon, to keep his head up, this isnt the end of things, he just needs to focus on getting better right now.

  • Phoenixmom

    Have you gotten any answers on the Face Book for ship 5 SEPS?

  • Phoenixmom

    here is a website maybe you can find out more

    US Navy Recruit Separations (SEPS)

  • Phoenixmom

    I hope you do also, try this one also it is a face book for ship 5


  • Phoenixmom

    Good Morning JC"SMomma was thinking of you Last night said a Prayer for you and Son. was wondering if you have heard anything in regards to your Son. Have a Great Day!