Master at Arms is a rating very dear to my heart since my Sailor was an MA. Join San Antonio MA's; the discussion, Break down week by week, will let you know what happens at NTTC Lackland (San Antonio). You will also want to join MAA Moms. Other groups to check out are New MAA Mom's (it has not been very active) and Security Sailors (it is not very active and includes loved ones of Sailors from other ratings as well).
When my son left on 8/21, i couldn't breath, had panic attacks, and didn't know how I was going to make it. This web site and people like you have made me feel so much better knowing I'm not the only one going through these feelings. We are all a family now and family supports each other! And I have received 2 letters and a phone call from my son which definately helped. Please feel free to send me a message anytime.
Divisions 347 and 348 are brother divisions and train together and will have Battle Stations-21 (BST) together, so look for others with loved ones in either division. Write to your recruit and ask when Battle Stations-21 (BST) will be so you will know when to expect the "I'm a Sailor!" call.
How do I get to Master-at-Arms "A" School from the airport? [Return]
Students arriving from Basic Military Training should check in at the USO (Terminal 2). A staff member from MA "A" School will pick you up or you will be directed to take the base shuttle to the schoolhouse or as a last resort, chargeable services (ranging between $5-50) are also available
1. How do I get to Master-at-Arms "A" School from the airport? [Return]
Students arriving from Basic Military Training should check in at the USO (Terminal 2). A staff member from MA "A" School will pick you up or you will be directed to take the base shuttle to the schoolhouse or as a last resort, chargeable services (ranging between $5-50) are also available.
2. What time should Fleet Returnees check in? [Return]
It is highly recommended that you check in the Sunday prior to your class convening date. If you check-in after 1600 on your report no later than date, it is most likely you will not class up until the following week.
3. Where will I stay while attending school? [Return]
New Accessions will stay at the Davis Hall Barracks and Fleet Returnees will stay at the Gateway Inn. Reservations for Gateway Inn must be made upon receipt of orders (Gateway Inn: 1-210-671-2556/4277). If non-availability, you will be required to get a letter stating as such from the Gateway Inn and make alternative lodging arrangements. Note: Transportation is the responsibility of the student.
Request 30 days advanced per diem at the rate of $23.25 per day; payment of 30 days advance lodging ($697.50) is required initially; with remainder being paid prior to graduation.
4. Are students authorized to wear civilian clothes off duty? [Return]
Yes, once students are in Phase II status, civilian clothing in good taste will be authorized while
Mamabear I posted some links for you hopefully they will help, google master of arms in texas and it will bring up much information. I just didn't want to give the wrong info but there is a lot of info if you google it. So proud of your Daughter, Master of arms! that is awesome!
I do believe they will pick your daughter up at the airport, she will get instructions before she leaves, and I am sure she will not be the only one. They will not send her not knowing what to do. she will be fine, I can imagine the feeling you have because it is all new. and I am sure she will call and let you know that she is ok.
That is very understandable, You are a Great MOM, I would be the same way. And Thank You for letting me help you, I hope I didn't confuse you any. I just wanted to try to get the right information for you. You have been Great!
Mamabear they do have a face book page also, Well I am glad that you are able to find what you can, I don't want you to overstress your self whatever I can find I will post your way.
Mamabear Here is how you get to buckley road from midway with out tolls, but after that you need to put in the address to your hotel.
Head north 2.5 miles on Cicero Avenue toward South Keating Avenue. Enter right onto I-55 N/Stevenson Expressway and continue for 4.4 miiles. Take exit 292A to merge onto I-90/I-94 West continue for 11 miles. Follow I-94 W 13 miles to US-41 North/Skokie Highway. Follow US-41 N 13 miles and take left onto IL-137/Buckley Rd for .8 miles.
Your welcome anything I can do to help. I didn't have that, I had to research everything just to make our trip with no hassles so I am pretty good at navigating around. LOL! I just want you to enjoy your Loved one! That's what it's about, with no worries. Have a Great Day!
Hi Mamabear wanted to personally thank you for the Hugs and prayers. It really took us all including him by surprise, I was more worried about him because its new to him and he is learning as he goes. So thank You,
Mama bear I am having LemonElephant to answer your question, I do not want to answer something I have no knowledge of. I would like your answer to come from somebody with more k,knowledge than I.
Hi Mama bear, no I haven't received any messages from you. How are you? That is so strange usually I get all messages. What's going on? Everything ok with you?
Master at Arms is a rating very dear to my heart since my Sailor was an MA. Join San Antonio MA's; the discussion, Break down week by week, will let you know what happens at NTTC Lackland (San Antonio). You will also want to join MAA Moms. Other groups to check out are New MAA Mom's (it has not been very active) and Security Sailors (it is not very active and includes loved ones of Sailors from other ratings as well).
The Rating Information Card for MA can be found at (If you get the security warning, it is safe to go there.); it indicates 9 weeks, but "A" School is 7 weeks after classing up.
Your Sailor will most likely fly out to "A" School the day after PIR. Plan to leave late Saturday or on Sunday. See PIR Day and Liberty during PIR Weekend within Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones) to help you know how to plan your weekend.
Sep 7, 2017
Hi Mamabear - My son left on 9/5 and we got his box on 9/8. I'm leaving the country Friday for 2 weeks, so worried I won't see the letter before I go.
Sep 12, 2017
Sep 15, 2017
Divisions 347 and 348 are brother divisions and train together and will have Battle Stations-21 (BST) together, so look for others with loved ones in either division. Write to your recruit and ask when Battle Stations-21 (BST) will be so you will know when to expect the "I'm a Sailor!" call.
Oct 14, 2017
Mamabear use this link it will let you know about the flying out and how you can get permission to meet at the airport.
See PIR Day and Liberty during PIR Weekend
Oct 23, 2017
Mamabear what will she be going in for?
Oct 23, 2017
heres a link for you and it will give you info as to what she can take.
How do I get to Master-at-Arms "A" School from the airport? [Return]
Students arriving from Basic Military Training should check in at the USO (Terminal 2). A staff member from MA "A" School will pick you up or you will be directed to take the base shuttle to the schoolhouse or as a last resort, chargeable services (ranging between $5-50) are also available
Oct 23, 2017
Hope this helps Mamabear.
Oct 23, 2017
Master-At-Arms "A" School
1. How do I get to Master-at-Arms "A" School from the airport?
2. What time should Fleet Returnees check in?
3. Where will I stay while attending school?
4. Are students authorized to wear civilian clothes off duty?
5. What uniforms should I bring?
6. What watches will I be required to stand?
7. Will I be required to complete/pass a physical readiness test (PRT) while in a student status?
8. If I am eligible to take the advancement exam, what will be required?
9. Are students authorized to bring their privately owned vehicles?
10. Will I be able to get mail?
11. Can Fleet Returnees bring their dependents?
12. Can New Accession Sailors bring their dependents?
13. If coming from another "A" school, due to non-completion, am I considered a Fleet Returnee?
14. Will I be required to eat at the galley?
15. What documents should I bring with me?
16. If I am already OC certified, do I need to recertify and be sprayed again?
17. What Navy uniform facilities are available?
18. Can I take leave while in student status?
19. What electronics can I bring to school with me?
20. What items are not authorized for students to bring?
21. Will I be able to keep my trainee guide when I graduate?
22. As a Professional Apprenticeship Career Tract (PACT) Program Sailor, will I be frocked upon graduating?
23. If I lose my paperwork after graduation, can I request copies?
1. Where
Oct 23, 2017
1. How do I get to Master-at-Arms "A" School from the airport? [Return]
Students arriving from Basic Military Training should check in at the USO (Terminal 2). A staff member from MA "A" School will pick you up or you will be directed to take the base shuttle to the schoolhouse or as a last resort, chargeable services (ranging between $5-50) are also available.
2. What time should Fleet Returnees check in? [Return]
It is highly recommended that you check in the Sunday prior to your class convening date. If you check-in after 1600 on your report no later than date, it is most likely you will not class up until the following week.
3. Where will I stay while attending school? [Return]
New Accessions will stay at the Davis Hall Barracks and Fleet Returnees will stay at the Gateway Inn. Reservations for Gateway Inn must be made upon receipt of orders (Gateway Inn: 1-210-671-2556/4277). If non-availability, you will be required to get a letter stating as such from the Gateway Inn and make alternative lodging arrangements. Note: Transportation is the responsibility of the student.
Request 30 days advanced per diem at the rate of $23.25 per day; payment of 30 days advance lodging ($697.50) is required initially; with remainder being paid prior to graduation.
4. Are students authorized to wear civilian clothes off duty? [Return]
Yes, once students are in Phase II status, civilian clothing in good taste will be authorized while
Oct 23, 2017
I would look up MA naval base texas
Oct 23, 2017
Phoenixmom MA Medical assistance or masters at arms?
Oct 23, 2017
I don't want to give you the wrong info mamabear and I don't want to confuse you either
Oct 23, 2017
San Antonio Moms
Oct 23, 2017
Mamabear I posted some links for you hopefully they will help, google master of arms in texas and it will bring up much information. I just didn't want to give the wrong info but there is a lot of info if you google it. So proud of your Daughter, Master of arms! that is awesome!
Oct 24, 2017
I do believe they will pick your daughter up at the airport, she will get instructions before she leaves, and I am sure she will not be the only one. They will not send her not knowing what to do. she will be fine, I can imagine the feeling you have because it is all new. and I am sure she will call and let you know that she is ok.
Oct 24, 2017
That is very understandable, You are a Great MOM, I would be the same way. And Thank You for letting me help you, I hope I didn't confuse you any. I just wanted to try to get the right information for you. You have been Great!
Oct 24, 2017
Hi Mamabear you ok? were you able to find any info?
Oct 24, 2017
Mamabear they do have a face book page also, Well I am glad that you are able to find what you can, I don't want you to overstress your self whatever I can find I will post your way. › Places › San Antonio, Texas › Government Organization
Oct 24, 2017
I wish you also get a call or letter, please keep me posted on how she is doing, wishing her all the blessings in her journey!
Oct 24, 2017
Mamabear Here is how you get to buckley road from midway with out tolls, but after that you need to put in the address to your hotel.
Head north 2.5 miles on Cicero Avenue toward South Keating Avenue. Enter right onto I-55 N/Stevenson Expressway and continue for 4.4 miiles. Take exit 292A to merge onto I-90/I-94 West continue for 11 miles. Follow I-94 W 13 miles to US-41 North/Skokie Highway. Follow US-41 N 13 miles and take left onto IL-137/Buckley Rd for .8 miles.
Oct 27, 2017
Your welcome anything I can do to help. I didn't have that, I had to research everything just to make our trip with no hassles so I am pretty good at navigating around. LOL! I just want you to enjoy your Loved one! That's what it's about, with no worries. Have a Great Day!
Oct 27, 2017
Hi Mamabear wanted to personally thank you for the Hugs and prayers. It really took us all including him by surprise, I was more worried about him because its new to him and he is learning as he goes. So thank You,
Feb 12, 2018
Join MAA Moms. There are no groups for your daughter's current location.
You may want to check out Guam Mom's if you want info on her boyfriend's duty station.
Feb 25, 2018
Mama bear I am having LemonElephant to answer your question, I do not want to answer something I have no knowledge of. I would like your answer to come from somebody with more k,knowledge than I.
Jul 4, 2018
I hope she was able to help, is everything ok Mama bear? Please let me know if I can help in any way.
Jul 4, 2018
Hi Mama bear, no I haven't received any messages from you. How are you? That is so strange usually I get all messages. What's going on? Everything ok with you?
Jan 24, 2019
Prayers for your family.
Feb 22, 2019