

Houston, TX

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I'm a mom of a daughter that just left for bootcamp Aug 9, 2010 I also have a child that is 9 and a husband of 22 years.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
I have no experience with the Navy. I know my daughter was very excited about joining. We as her family support her and trust in God.

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  • Tiff'sMom (Sharon)

    WOW it is a small world!! When she was at MEPS she seemed so calm, cool and collected! Tiffany pointed her out to us and said "She is sooo funny" I hope they got to near each other during their processing. Did you get her box yet? or did she just donate her clothes?
  • Tiff'sMom (Sharon)

    Penny is probably in a 900 division, that is a higher division that has a little more responsibilities for the job she has chosen. I was hoping for 10/8 graduation too. Because Penny is higher up, you may get a phone call from her sooner than me because they seem to earn them faster hahahaha Good for Kayla!
  • Tiff'sMom (Sharon)

    Let me know as soon as you hear from her!! Then I'll know I'll have a call about a week later.... hopefully! :):)