I am the mother of two boys, ages 21 and 19. My oldest son Mitch, attends college in Pa, and my younger son Max joined the Navy on Dec. 1st 2010. He graduated from BC on 2/4/11 and is now in Groton CT for Sub school. I live in rural Pa. with my husband of 22 years. I am a stay-at-home mom who is now learning what 'empty nest' really means. I am a devoted mom and want nothing more than for my boys to be happy, whatever it is they is they choose to do in life. My interests are movies and music. I can talk about both of these subjects forever. lol.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
The Navy is a lot stricter than i thought. I also found that they seem to respect the recruits family. Which is a good thing.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.
Ok...thank you so much...these big airports are a little intimidating especially since he doesn't have a cell phone so I can call and find out where he is.lol
Lol! Your comments on the wall were both completely different. The first one had me freaking out a little bit and the second made me calm!LOL! But if you remember that happening then I think maybe its just something they are telling them. I have tried to ask a few moms but none of them knew but I asked him today and he said that's how it is for his whole div because they are grad and go. I hope its not true. I know others from different divs going to Groton as well and none of them have been told anything about having on base liberty. I also asked him when he thought he would fly out and he said it would be at like 12 that night so I don't think the RDCs really know much of anything they just like to scare them. I guess I will find out Friday!
Hey! Hope you're doing ok. Have missed you on the PIR groups. Figured you are busy. Hoping you are doing ok...so sorry about your mom. Is your dad still alive? Anyway....just wanted to say HI !
Apr 17, 2011
Apr 18, 2011
May 11, 2011