

Bluffton, IN

United States

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A little about me:
My oldest just left for Great Lakes on Feb 22. I have 4 children and stay very busy working at home.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
Being informed and knowing what to expect made things so much better. Having other people to share experiences with and hearing that it was normal to be emotional and upset was comforting.

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  • Jangee

    Hi tjcoyne! It is very comforting talking to other moms. We're all in the same boat, so to speak. My son Brandon was considering the Marines about a year ago.  I'm glad his final decision was the Navy. He's headed to Pensacola right after graduation. We'll keep in touch!

  • evanzmom (ship 03 div 117)

    Hi TraceJ :) My son hasn't told me much about being an RRPO except that he sits in an office and writes passes for other SRs to attend services?? I don't really know. He said in his last letter that he likes it and it is a stress reliever from his normal activities. The funny thing is that we aren't religious people and he has never attended church, so no idea how he ended up with this duty! He told me he had been asked early on to do a different duty (leadership of the division somehow) but he had refused because it was a lot more responsibility and no more money!!

  • Kaye S.

    Hi, "TraceJ," and welcome to Indiana Moms! Sorry to take this long to extend greetings, but I've been busy becoming a grandmother! Had to spend a few weeks with my sailor and his new arrival :-)

    I'm the administrator for the group, so if you have any questions, please ask. My son is a Nuke MM serving on the submarine ALABAMA, berthed in Bangor, WA. He's been in for six years.

    If you're near Indy (or willling to drive), there's a monthly informal dinner in Avon (just outside the west loop) which meets on third Mondays. You'll find the details for any month's dinner on the Events calendar (right-hand column) by clicking on any 3rd Monday. From time to time, we also have regional gatherings in various parts of the state.

    Jump in with any questions or comments you may have. I think you'll find we're a nice bunch of folks and always willing to lend an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. Hugs! k.