

Stoughton, MA

United States

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A little about me:
My son left 12/12....and think the whole shock is finally starting to wear off for us left at home, can only imagine what he is going through...have already written a couple of letters...small ones..just day to day stuff to let him know we are all doing ok and thinking of the wait begins....for the long does that take???
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • rickiemae ship4 div 803


    good Luck today... I know how you feel today and my heart just dropped when I read your post. Today is really the first day of his new life. My son has only been gone 6 days and i am still crying on a daily bases. Never sad tears for him but only tears of being so proud of the decision to serve his country. Stand strong...NMH ( Navy Mom Hug )

  • isupporttwins

    I haven't written any letters yet. I just keep trying to put myself in his place. I would be a nervous mess.

    Another friend said she got the box in about a week and the first letter came about 3 days later. I am thinking by Monday.

  • larrysmom

    Got the form letter today!! My son is Ship 09 Division 072...Is anyone else in that group out there?  Was told that graduation is 2/11/11...Had a nice surprise yesterday...a phone call....unfortunaltely i missed it..but he left a voicemail....keep playing it over, and he sounds good...he also got to call his dad and they spoke for a bit!! Think the shock is wearing off of all now...and just hope and pray the rest of the time goes well..Sending out all the letters i have been writing this past week....Can't wait until February!!!!