I got a letter today from my son, and some was good and some not so good. He and I both are gonna need some prayers. He said he scored 5 out of 5 on his PI, not quite sure what that means. He failed his PFA because of his leg, but didnt say what was wrong with it. He is scared and afraid because the next one is in 2 weeks and he want to do well. I will write words of encouragement and lot of prayers that he will do fine. He was excited about his new debit card and bank account. he also said his group didnt do well enough to qualify to flag, whatever that means, I am going to have to tell him that he will need to speak english and not use acronyms. Good luck to all the other SR's.
Hi Mumsy, My son's letter was upbeat too. He also passed his second PFA and other personal inspections and weapons training. I tell you this was the best letter as of yet and I think he knows its getting close but still careful to celebrate too soon. My son will stay in GL so we will have all saturday with him but leaving for the airport early Sunday morning I havent told him that yet. I stay upbeat at all times. Congrats on your son's progress.
Lamarmama 09/139
Mar 30, 2011
Mar 31, 2011
Lamarmama 09/139
Apr 3, 2011