

Corpus Christi, TX

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I'm a graduate medical education coordinator for internal medicine and family practice residency programs
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • my sons mom

    Hi Vickie, My sons mom here (Kim). Saw you on live chat and that you are from Corpus. Small world, so am I. Anniville area. Close to Calallen. My sons PIR is 2/3. I have been where you are. My son turned 19 while in boot camp. A little younger than your son. Have any question feel free to ask.  

  • michelle

    Hi vicki i would be happy to give you tips for graduation exspially about sarge, hotel ect I think i can tell you better on the phone heres my number 2095816569 im in california anytime sooner the better sarge gets booked and so does the to you soon.Michelle

  • brooklynsmom(div919PIR 03/16/12)

    Hey Vickie, Here's the link for a lot of questionaires.

    Its alot some of them are really cute and he will get laughs out of it. I can hear Brooklyn say OMG Mama please" LOL

    Big Hugs to ya
