

Spring, TX

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I have 3 sons, 1 grandson... I was raised at the home of the Naval Academy... foster dad was in the Navy and still consults for them.I am a retired teacher who home-schooled all of my sons.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
You are very neat when you get finished with your time in the navy. There is a lot of hurry up and wait going on.

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  • debschnell

    Hi --- I sent an e-mail to you, and just received a failed delivery notice because the service for Navy for Moms was busy.  I felt it was too late to call you; however, if you're still up, give me a call if you like.  Tomorrow, I'll be leaving for bible study at 8:45, and Richard and I have some business to take care of which will put us back home around 4:00.  The car is arranged for, and I'm still aiming for a noon departure if till okay with you.  We'll catch up with each other.  I'm really getting excited about our trip.
  • debschnell

    Hi --- I sent an e-mail back to you, but just noticed it was a "no reply" for personal e-mails and is a comment on my page.  Please call me.  Thanks --- Deborah

  • debschnell


    P.S.  Could you call tomorrow?  Today is our anniversary, and we're going to be out and about.  Thanks.