rnterry 04/817 PIR 7/27 alumni


Carnation, WA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am a Registered Nurse in the State of Washington. I have two Son's. My youngest, Brendan is leaving for Navy Boot Camp on Monday.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
I have no previous experience with the Navy. I work with a few retired Navy Men and they always speak highly of their experience.

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  • johun alumni 7/27/12Ship4Div817


    Supposedly its in the Community Guidelines!  My son also is going to be a rescue swimmer!  Did you get your call today?  We are staying at the Comfort Inn.  Does the Courtyard have a shuttle to RTC?  We may change, it seems like others from Ship4/Div817 are staying at the Courtyards too.  Joanne

  • Lala Ribbon Queen PIR Ribbons

    Usually about half the people get the first name and half get the last. He is known up there by last name but the ribbons are for you and for a keepsake. So I would get what you really want on them. I have also had people order some with the first name and some with the last :-)

  • johun alumni 7/27/12Ship4Div817

    Hi terry...my son did not class up for rss the same time as brendan. He actually classed up 2 wks ago,but got held back now for another 3 weeks, so he classes up into the class brendan will grad from. Crazy how they can pir together and be so far apart now...but jordan is so young and it was good for him to have the xtra time for pt and visit with his dad. He really enjoyed the visit. He's behaving too.. glad brendan is almost done with rss...I hear from j...how many drop on a daily basis..its crazy. He's been a survivor for those in rss and has learned so much just from doing that. Congrats to your sailor.