Megs-Sailor Wife


Goose Creek, SC

United States

Profile Information:

I am here to support my
Spouse/Significant other
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • val328 (ship 03 Div 147)

    I am sorry.  I forget to look at my comments.  No he did not get paid today and I did not get a letter yet.  did he comment on the rest of the division?  Are they doing good or are there guys that are being dim-witts????  LOL.  so glad you got a letter.  I am sure we will get one tomorrow or Thursday.  Providing everyone got to write.  Hang in there.  If you want to email me directly it is ...
  • val328 (ship 03 Div 147)

    Good greif girl...what are you doing up at 12:53 am?  I was up but only because I had to make a run to the emergency room!!!  I have elderly neighbors and my son came in right about the time I fell asleep and told me there was a fire truck and ambulance at Helen's.  So I jumped up and her husband was having chest pains so after the ambulance left I ran her to the hospital about 35 minutes away.  Got back home and in bed about 1am.  A little sleepy today. :-)  Glad I was able to be there for them though.  Still don't know what they found out.  He was very alert and talking when we got there so I don't think he was in any imminent danger right then.

    Well I can't wait for the mail to come today...I really hope I get a letter.  Ask your husband if he knows Griffith Foster-Freeman.  Not sure what he will go by...either Foster or Foster-Freeman.  Hope he isn't causing any problems. LOL.  I am sure he isn't...he was so looking forward to going in and starting his new journey.

    Where do you work at?  Do you guys have kids?

    Hope you have a great day!!!


  • NavyGF staying strong

    Hey meg. No phone call :-( did everyone get a phone call today. Do u kno. If not then there's still tomorro. Ugh. But I'm happy our sailors kno each other. That sure is exciting. But I'm so down since I haven't heard from my sailor :-(