

Grand Haven, MI

United States

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A little about me:
My only son just left for boot camp on 8/8. I miss him dreadfully but am so proud of him. I can't wait to hear from him. Counting down until 10/5.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • bullindy

    That sounds good to me.  I am very new at this computer stuff so I didn't even think abut it. Thanks for saying something.

  • bullindy

    That is great. I haven't gotten a letter from Thomas is over a week. I did get to talk to him on the 5th. I was at his little brother's football practice and couldn't hear him very well. He was sick and couldn't talk very loud because his cough had made him lose his voice. I didn't have my questions with me so I forgot everything. How is Nathan doing? Does he like it? Can't wait for Oct. 5th.

  • bullindy

    Thanks for the info. It makes more sense now. He said that he had been writing, but we just hadn't gotten anything. I keep thinking that I am writing too much, but he told me not to stop. He had a root canal yesterday and I was hoping for a call maybe, but no luck. I guess I'll just wait for the mailman again. Take Care hoping everyone got to send letters this week.