ship 14 division 317

Jamaica, NY

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
i am a proud mother of two and i love my children unconditionaly. i am 40 yrs old and a disabled mother
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
i have no exsperience but i am all for learning all i can
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • MyAngel94 (Ship 14 Div 317)

    Hi Patrice, just wanted to tell you i got a letter from my daughter today and it looks like my daughter does know your daughter ..She said ohh ya mom by the way I do know B Scott she is a cool girl she helps me out alot in the laundry room.  Just thought I would share that with you ;)

  • MyAngel94 (Ship 14 Div 317)

    She seems to be doing okay..she had a rough start though. She had her wisdom teeth pulled and I guess they bruised a nerve so she was numb for almost two weeks. She was put on a steroid and antibiotics. She had also got sick and since she is allergic to penicillin she had to take pills for 30 days. After all that she is still in pretty good spirits. Im praying that all goes well for them tomorrow with there PFT. My daughter didnt pass the run the first time but passed it the second time only by 5 seconds.
  • Anna

    ship 14 division 317,

    I see you recently joined the Moms of Daughters 2 group and I want to welcome you!!!  Sorry I didn't get to welcome you sooner but I had to travel to Newport, RI to watch my daughter's commissioning as a brand new Ensign!!  It looks like by the time you get this message your daughter will be graduating from boot camp!!  We are a friendly caring group of moms and are always willing to listen, share and help each other whenever or wherever we can. Please feel free to join our chats, we love talking about everything from work, family, weather - whatever. Plus the joyful and anxiety filled journey of being a Navy Mom!!!  Let us support you when you're missing her, lend an ear when you need to vent, and celebrate with you when you want to brag!!  We look forward to learning about you and your sailor!!!  Again, Welcome Aboard!!