23 days to go!!! I am driving to Chicago, it's only a 9 hour drive for me. I booked a suite at the Hawthorne suites. It's 8 miles away, it will take me 20 minutes to their base!
Thanks so much about letting people know about the pictures. I seen my son and it meant so much to me!! I did not know that they had a facebook page! I will be on there daily too now!
Ship 12 Div 307; Lauren's Mom
Sep 4, 2012
Hey, My son's last name is Tacey. Any word or anyone knowing him would be great.
Sep 16, 2012
Jademita (Ship11Div038)
Thanks so much about letting people know about the pictures. I seen my son and it meant so much to me!! I did not know that they had a facebook page! I will be on there daily too now!
Nov 2, 2012