Any new info on a get together for 07/245 on the 4th. Have you seen any of the pics on facebook usnavyrecruittraining command. I look all the time but I haven't seen any of our group yet. I continue to get letters from my daughter but still no phone calls. And she says that these next 3 weeks will be real rough on them. So I will try to make sure I get more mail out to her during this time.
Hello, Clarkedu! I didnt realize how much I depended on your cheery smile, sense of humor, ability to laugh at yourself, and ability to keep things in perspective! I hope that when I navigate these waters come November (my son's a DEPPER, Nov is when he starts bootcamp) I can do it with a certain amount of style. My definition of style? Well, I guess it means that if your canoe capsizes (and I'm sure mine will) you just shake the water out of your ears and keep paddling! You'll probably never know how many moms and SRs you helped. I just wanted to say thanks and BRAVO ZULU for making it through boot camp. (How come our kids are the only ones who get the cool uniform? Don't they realize we went through boot camp, IT, Battle Stations too? It hardly seems fair to me!) Anyway. Thanks again. Jackie.
Jul 15, 2011
bobbie (ht mom)
Jul 21, 2011
Aug 15, 2011