

Farmington, MO

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am very upset for my son. They say he has a pre-existing shoulder injury and he's being sent home from boot camp.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
They are always in control. Everything is done their way on their time....even when they decide you are not medically fit for service, they take their own sweet time letting you go.
Our Navy experience so far...
The Navy was not the right path for my loved one/me.

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  • ram33

    Hi MoMof4

    just saw your request.  I'm so glad to find other mom's with a child in the same ship and division.  Helps keep us connected somehow...  It will be great to share any news!!  

  • lemonelephant

    MoMof4, just wondering, why didn't you just start a discussion for that division (or for the brother divisions 267 and 268) within the PIR group instead of having a whole separate group?????  Yes, there are lots of discussions within a PIR group, but there are way more groups and people are much more likely to find the discussion than the separate group. 

  • IndyMom

    Sorry to hear the news MoMof4.  I am also a mom of four and my son graduates this Friday.  It has been a tough ride because we all dread getting that injury call.  Hopefully is he wants to come back he will be able to do so after surgery and rehab.  Or, maybe he'll decide to take another path.  Please know that I speak for all of us when I say you will be in our thoughts and prayers.  God Bless and keep you all.  Please send your son our best wishes and let us know how proud we are of him for wanting to serve.