Welcome aboard! Come join us on the Indiana group page on this website. You may also want to look into the Boot Camp group page and the page for his PIR (date). PIR is grad from boot camp, a wonderful ceremony that you won't want to miss.
If you go to the top of the page...under the Navy for Moms banner, you will see a line of tabs starting with Main, Invite, My Page, About Us, etc. Click on Groups, which will bring up a screen with the groups listed (many pages). Under the featured Groups you will see a search block, type in Tennessee and hit enter. This will bring up a page of just Tennessee related pages. First one is the Tennessee group. Click and join just like the Boot Camp Moms page.
As described below...find Main in the tabs at the top of the page. Click and then scroll down through the discussions on that first page. You will find a lot of information posted in those discussions that may be helpful to you.
To find the PIR group...look for the discussion posted by Bunker QB...on PIR groups. Click on that one, and read down through the page. She has a wealth of information posted there.
Welcome aboard! Come join us on the Indiana group page on this website.
You may also want to look into the Boot Camp group page and the page for his PIR (date).
PIR is grad from boot camp, a wonderful ceremony that you won't want to miss.
Oct 24, 2012
If you go to the top of the page...under the Navy for Moms banner, you will see a line of tabs starting with Main, Invite, My Page, About Us, etc. Click on Groups, which will bring up a screen with the groups listed (many pages). Under the featured Groups you will see a search block, type in Tennessee and hit enter. This will bring up a page of just Tennessee related pages. First one is the Tennessee group. Click and join just like the Boot Camp Moms page.
Oct 26, 2012
As described below...find Main in the tabs at the top of the page. Click and then scroll down through the discussions on that first page. You will find a lot of information posted in those discussions that may be helpful to you.
To find the PIR group...look for the discussion posted by Bunker QB...on PIR groups. Click on that one, and read down through the page. She has a wealth of information posted there.
Oct 26, 2012