On the future MeetNGreets, yes, I have been posting. I notice that some have gotten on 8/13 to chat about it. I'm not on all of the future groups, but have posted the options on some of them. I have suggested Anastasia's or Flannigans as possible places if they want to move. One of the moms in 8/13 group told Janelle that she thought that Ramada was great????? HA!
read your posting on 9-24-2010 group and visited your group. great pictures and our group has so much to look forward to on our sailors' graduation. i noticed the comments about the Ramada and it sounds HORRIBLE. our 'meet and greet' is scheduled there :( i am finding the information from the moms who have been on N4M's for awile to be so helpful and thank you all for your contributions to the newer groups.
Aug 17, 2010
Aug 17, 2010
Connie(Memphis Belle)
Aug 17, 2010