wvsuzanne (PIR 8/13 nuke mom)


Walton, WV

United States

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I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • diannep

    On the future MeetNGreets, yes, I have been posting. I notice that some have gotten on 8/13 to chat about it. I'm not on all of the future groups, but have posted the options on some of them. I have suggested Anastasia's or Flannigans as possible places if they want to move. One of the moms in 8/13 group told Janelle that she thought that Ramada was great????? HA!
  • diannep

    yep, that seems to be the concensus on the Ramada!
  • Connie(Memphis Belle)

    read your posting on 9-24-2010 group and visited your group. great pictures and our group has so much to look forward to on our sailors' graduation. i noticed the comments about the Ramada and it sounds HORRIBLE. our 'meet and greet' is scheduled there :( i am finding the information from the moms who have been on N4M's for awile to be so helpful and thank you all for your contributions to the newer groups.