

Albuquerque, NM

United States

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A little about me:
I am a mom watching my son grow into a wonderful man. He is a senior in high school and joining DEP in January. He graduates in May and then he ships off. I am having a very difficult time keeping it together. It has been just him and I for so long. I am so proud but at the same time want to scream "DON'T GO, I WILL MISS YOU TOO MUCH".
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • Pat

    Welcome aboard!  I knew mine would go military from early elementary school.  I finally decided that last year or so b-4 he left, that this was his choice and that the Navy was a best place for him!  A great place to start the rest of his life.  You are correct, in that you will miss him, but he will contact you when he needs you, your advice, or just to touch may not be as often as you wish...but remember that God gives them to us for a time...You have done your job.  I have begun volunteering in the local food distribution center.  I am the financial secretary for an overseas orphanage.  I work full-time.  So I have filled my hours with other things.  My best to you and him.
  • Pat

    You will want to join the DEPper's and Boot Camp groups along with the posts from others in your same situation, look back into the older will find a lot of helpful suggestions.

    You may also want to look for a group for his rate (job in the Navy).

    All groups can be found either is the tab 'Groups' at the top of this page just under the banner...or on the 'Main' page of Navy for Moms...check out the center of that page for the discussion posts just under the banner...There are a couple of very helpful 'lists' provided by one of our members.

  • Jenn (Proud AO Mom)

    Hi Liz - thanks for the add.  I look forward to supporting you as you go through this journey.  I figure that we know we raised great kids since they have chosen to serve their country.  Stay strong over the next few months.  Make lots of memories - cry when you need to, but not too much because your son is happy and will be doing what he wants to do - how lucky!  And how lucky he is to have a mom who will miss him so much.  Feel free to chat me up anytime. :)