

Cleveland, GA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I'm a Mom of two adults. My one daughter is currently in boot camp as I write this. She called me yesterday with sad news that she ruptured her eardrum. :(.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • lemonelephant

    You may want to check out Mom's of Daughters 2 (most active of these), Mom’s of Navy Daughters, and Women in the Navy.

  • lemonelephant

    Make at least change 3 at the bottom of OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) (clickable link).

    There may be other changes you need to make as well, so read and consider each of the changes.

    Another change that I recommend that is mentioned in change 1 is to change the ZIP Code to one that is not easily associated with your recruit.

    *If your Username contains your last name, then make changes 1 and 2.

  • CryptoDad


    Additional guests for Pass-In-Review (graduation)

    Depending on the number of divisions graduating, each recruit is allowed four guests when the Training Group contains 12 divisions or less or three guests when the Training Group contains 13 or more divisions. Children age 2 and younger do not have to be on the access list and do not count against the three or four guests. Veterans and active duty members must be on the access list and count as one of the three or four guests. We treat all recruits equally and there are no exceptions.

    We do offer an overflow area for extra guests in our chapel at Recruit Training Command (RTC). However, this is not intended as an open invitation to bring several extra guests as our #1 concern is the comfort and safety of our staff and guests on our military installation. We offer the overflow area as a courtesty to the extra guests, however, there are limitations which one may wish to consider when deciding whether or not the chapel option is for them.

    To make it absolutely clear, there is not a limit as to the amount of extra guests you can bring to the chapel, but please consider the following information and keep in mind that we have very limited staff to accommodate extra guests, so we please ask to keep your extra guests at an absolute minimum. If this courtesy gets abused by those attempting to bring an excessive amount of extra guests, restrictions will be put in place. Again, please respect our request to keep your guests to only a few.

    Children younger than 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult 18 or older and they cannot be left alone. All guests must have a photo I.D. just as the guests on the access must have. If you do not have a photo I.D., you will not be allowed to go to the chapel.
    There is no guarantee that space will be available as there is a capacity limit in the chapel.
    Extra guests will check in at the visitors center and wait in a holding room before being escorted as a group to the chapel which is about a 1/4-mile walk. Those having difficulty walking may wish to reconsider going to the chapel as we do not provide any type of shuttle service , and the use of wheelchairs is limited as the wheelchairs are also used by guests in the drill hall. If you cannot walk far distances, then the chapel option may not be for you.
    Once inside the chapel, guests are not permitted to leave until the conclusion of the ceremony as they are not allowed to wander around our restricted base unescorted during the ceremony.
    Guests are required to remain in the Chapel A (the main chapel area) and main foyer area.
    Chapel staff is unable to accommodate any guest needs, requests or complaints.
    There are no vending machines available in the chapel and food and beverages are not permitted (except for bottled water), inside the chapel. Those with small children may wish to keep this in mind in addition to the fact that they will be sitting there for up to three and a half hours. The earlier you arrive, the longer you will be waiting.
    While we do offer live streaming of the ceremony, there is no guarantee that it will be up and running. Should the system be down due to technical difficulties, the extra guests must still remain in the chapel until after the ceremony has concluded when they will then be escorted back to the visitors center.
    If your recruit is staying in Great Lakes for "A" School, the extra guests most likely will not even see the recruit until after those recruits have checked into their new barracks on the main base immediately following the ceremony. That check-in process takes a few hours and the recruits will not be ready to be picked up until mid-afternoon. They will then have the remainder of the weekend for liberty but must return to the base each evening. If this is the case for your recruit, you may wish to consider remaining at your hotel as many offe