chippers mom


Troy, NC

United States

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A little about me:
Mother of five children with the last one graduating from high school this year. I consider myself a go getter and I have always pushed for what I thought my children deserved or earned. I am one that is not likely to back down. I don't like change very much and I am happy with my old car and warm home.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
Oh hard question. I gave in, not me at all, however I am not happy where it is taking y child. Not happy with the job assignment at all. So I will say that what I have learned is the recruiter is just that , a recruiter. He can not do anything about the job assignments made by MEPS
Our Navy experience so far...
The Navy was not the right path for my loved one/me.

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  • LoriM

    chippersmom, I went through this last year.  Medical items,,, they call each time something changes. So if he called when in the VA and hasn't yet called back then he is still there.  They will call as soon as  there is a change.  Once back in normal bootcamp regiment he will have to earn the calls again.

  • lemonelephant

    Join Ship 5 Moms(Formerly Ship 17) and see FAQ about SEPS and for more information on SEPS. Be sure to have your recruit sign paperwork with legal so that they will be able to discuss the situation with you if your recruit wants that to happen.

  • BunkerQB

    "I know this should not be a bitch session and nothing I say is intended for any of you. We are all somewhat in the same situation in one way or another. My gripe is with the US Navy. Why does it take so long for you to return our children?"

    I have seen many comments similar to yours over the last 4 years. It makes not sense to me. It cost money to house and feed the ones being separated. Hard to believe they can't get it done within 7 days maximum.  You should contact other families whose sons/daughters have gone thru the same process and contact your Senator & Congressmen. 

    Furthermore, I also have a hard time with how many of the recruits were process thru when if the recruiters (and whoever else is in charge) had done their home work, they would have recommended that the recruit discontinue with the processing - erroneous paperwork, waiver not obtained, recruits obviously not ready to be away from home, recruits simply not suited for military life.

    My son finished his commitment to the Navy 2 years ago. He is glad to have had the 5 years of experience but he had not desire to continue with his service. 

    I wish you and other in the same situation best of luck in the future. Time for Plan B, C or D.  These young men & women are still our future and we must do everything we can to make sure they are supported and have the resources to succeed.