

Lake Charles, LA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am a christian mom doing the best I can do to raise my 11 year old daughter in a home that's fill with the love of God. My son, my pride and joy, is now serving his country and I am so very proud of of my favorite sayings is ...
they will be able to say, that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way-and it surely has not-she adjusted her sails
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • SAwife11

    oh and he left from San Jose.
  • annafornavy

    Hi There... : ) I love your pictures too... It looks like you and your son have a very special bond and love for one another.. : ) If you go to my page where the jukebox is there is a box that says download for free and you will be able to download it to your site... I still cry when I listen to the songs and look at the pictres of us together.. I realized that when he left for bootcamp that home would become a place he would visit. I could not get over that.. I cant wait to hear when you recieve your fist letter and call from your son.. IT IS THE JOY OF ALL JOYS!!! : )
  • Dawn

    Hello Gysmom,

    I believe our boys started bootcamp on the same day! 2/22.

    I saw that you received your box...<looking out the window> ....nope...nothing yet!! <grin>

    Its comforting to know I am not alone!

    Best wishes to you and your son.