

columbus, indiana

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
mom, graduate of IU and PU, former nurse
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • Pat

    You will want to look for a group that will form for his PIR date.

    The Indiana group can be found on my page in the same spot as the 'Boot Camp' group that shows just to the left of this post on your page.  Look for the Indiana state flag.

    Or you can scroll to the top of this page...just under the N4M banner...there is a group of tabs...over to the right is one called on that one...then in the 'search' blank type Indiana...then look for the state flag.

  • Cranny(Ship04 Div819 PIR 09/01) son is in 819 with your son. My son is also going for diver. Your son has been a blessing to my family....he has helped us by allowing my son's sister to be able to be at graduation. Oh..I hope I have the right momma! If your son's initials are N.D. I have the right one. I would love to speak with you before grad. My cell number is 931-996-3322. I know you are busy, but if you get a chance...please give me a call. Oh real name is grandchildren call me Cranny. LOL
  • txmom

    Hi Liz, my son is in pre-dive and PIRd on 9/1.  I spoke to him on the phone last nite.  He said they are having workouts in the morning, then they eat, then they have about 6 hours of classroom.  As of last night 5 people had dropped and he said they tell them the goal of how many they want to drop each day.  Today they wanted 2 to drop.  Hope that helps.