I have 4 children ranging in ages from 8-18. Happily married to they're papa!! :) We thoroughly enjoy anything outdoors that can be done accompanied by our kids! We all are pretty easy going & like to meet new people. I work in a hospital as an Xray tech, which help me to meet new interesting people!!
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
My husband was in the naval reserve for 4 years & has always said his biggest regret was not going full time, but he didn't have alot of backing from family, so it has been our main focus to support him!!
Hi, "proud navy mama," and welcome to Indiana Moms! Sorry to take this long extending our greetings, but I've been busy travelling! I'm the administrator for the group, so if you have any questions, please ask. My son is a Nuke MM serving on the submarine ALABAMA, berthed in Bangor, WA. He's been in for six years.
Please be aware that there's a monthly informal dinner in Avon (just outside the Indy's west loop) which meets on third Mondays, and to which you're always welcome! You'll find the details for any month's dinner on the Events calendar (right-hand column) by clicking on any 3rd Monday. From time to time, we also have regional gatherings in various parts of the state. For instance, just today there's a picnic up near South Bend!
Jump in with any questions or comments you may have. I think you'll find we're a nice bunch of folks and always willing to lend an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. Hugs! k.
I hope you get all the information here you are looking for. Please stop by the Survival Guide for New Moms for some of the info to start with.
If you have a new Recruit and need phone cards for them please check out Calls for Recruits.org and get them for FREE. I feel that the Family, Loved Ones, nor the Men and Women of our Armed Forces should have to pay for phone calls from Boot Camp. The link above will take you to the website to send the email for the FREE phone cards if you need them. Please spread the word if you know of anyone who can use this great service!!!
Kaye S.
Hi, "proud navy mama," and welcome to Indiana Moms! Sorry to take this long extending our greetings, but I've been busy travelling! I'm the administrator for the group, so if you have any questions, please ask. My son is a Nuke MM serving on the submarine ALABAMA, berthed in Bangor, WA. He's been in for six years.
Please be aware that there's a monthly informal dinner in Avon (just outside the Indy's west loop) which meets on third Mondays, and to which you're always welcome! You'll find the details for any month's dinner on the Events calendar (right-hand column) by clicking on any 3rd Monday. From time to time, we also have regional gatherings in various parts of the state. For instance, just today there's a picnic up near South Bend!
Jump in with any questions or comments you may have. I think you'll find we're a nice bunch of folks and always willing to lend an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. Hugs! k.
Jul 14, 2012
Recruit Man - Ronny
Welcome to NavyForMoms.com!!
Jul 15, 2012
You will want to look into the boot camp group on this website. I believe there is also a group for 'A' school at Great Lakes.
Jul 27, 2012