Cathy L. Ship09 Div 135


Fallbrook, CA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I live in Fallbrook, CA. My 20 year old son is joining the Navy on 2/15/11. Looking forward to sharing stories about boot camp.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
It was an honorable decision my son made. He really wanted to get in to corpsman school, and he will be going there after bootcamp. I am excited for him to get out there in the world and get his life really rolling.

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  • RissysMom(Proud Mom of a Sailor)

    Hi there,  welcome to the site, your gonna love it. You can find all kinds of moms and family members with loved ones in the same division and even after he starts school. So best wishes to you and your son.


  • Navy Mom

    I got a letter from my son yesterday and he said nothing about going to SA for A School.  But, I just called the Navy Hospital Copr School Public Affairs Office 847-688-2836  ext 269, and she confirmed that PIR 3/15 are going to SA for A school.  I am so disappointed.  I was really hoping to spend more time with him after graduation.  Oh well, I guess he belongs to the Navy now!
  • bogoricki

    Hello Cathy,

    I hope you and your family are doing great. Thank you for your invitation to be your friend. I look forward to meeting you on Friday. It seems that our boys are Corpsman. I am hoping that they will stick together and become life long friends.

    Best Regards, Bo