

Nacogdoches, TX

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I have just retired after 31 years in education and am starting a new chapter in my life. Along with that, my youngest son will be leaving on July 5 to join the Navy.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • Renee

    Congratulations on your son's graduation, Jana!  Have a great time visiting with him!!!

  • OKCsuzieq

    Hi Jana thanks for friending!  I can't wait to see what you have to say.

  • John and Yvonne

    Hi Jana. Thanks for sending a friend request. So, where is your son stationed? Is he still in Naples? I guess you probably know that my husband and I are in Virginia Beach, VA. and that we open our home to the sailors(and soldiers, marines as well) on the weekends. We've been doing this for almost 14 years.
