

Marietta, GA

United States

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I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
my daughter could not find anywhere else. She's a college graduate and could not find work. The Navy can give her the opportunity to learn something new while serving her country and she can have a career whether she stays in or separates and comes back to the civilian world. I can't thank the U.S. Navy enough for being there for her
Our Navy experience so far...
has been positive and maturing.

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  • Anna


    I see you recently joined the Moms of Daughters 2 group and I want to welcome you!!  We are a close, friendly, supportive group of Moms and look forward to getting to know you and your sailor.  I see you are new to N4Ms and your daughter will be leaving for boot camp soon?  Please feel free to jump in and join our conversations on our group page.  You can ask any questions you may have, talk freely about your feelings, fears or concerns, or just chat about life.  We are all in different phases of our daughter’s Naval careers - from newbies to those whose daughters have been in for several years - from officer to enlisted!!! We support all our sailor girls and each other as well. Not just during the Bootcamp days but the weeks and months following, as they go off to school, first duty station, or first deployment.  Let us support you when you're missing her, lend an ear when you need to vent, and celebrate with you when you want to brag!!  Again, Welcome Aboard!!!!!

  • Anna


    I see your daughter is a college graduate. Has she thought about going in as an officer??

  • Anna

    Go Dawgs63,

    Let your daughter know that if in the future she decides she wants to go officer, she can request OCS.  Officers do make a lot more money!!!  Just for her information - I have one officer daughter, one enlisted son, and the officer's twin sister was also enlisted and then got out!!!

    My daughter was at Akron from 2008 to 2012.  She got her degree in Chemistry and was part of the Honors Program.  Sounds like our girls were there at the same time!!! Her and I moved to an apartment in Stow. Hubby was working a job assignment in Dresden, OH at that time and the other daughter had left for boot camp right after high school graduation in 2008.  Both sons were on their own so it was just Jenn and I for a year until I could join the hubby on the road.  Now we live full time in our 5th wheel RV and travel the country!!!!  Ohio will always be my home as I was born and raised in Chardon!!!!