I am the Mom of two great kids, Nick 22, Lauren 20. I have been married to my husband Mike for 25yrs. Our son Nick is in his first week of Boot Camp. I love my kids and my family, and I am very proud of Nick for joining the Navy! I can't wait to see him for the first time in his uniform, he graduates Dec 17th. Many Blessings to you all!!!
So I was way too "long winded" and had to post part already ha ha, surprise, surprise!! Anyway as I was saying, Sorry to be secretive but I so don't wanna break any rules either!!! I felt so bad a week or two ago I posted some photos of David and the family from the day before he left. Just as I was hitting enter I realized I hadn't blurred out our last name on his uniform, I so knew better but it was too late at that point!!!! Sort of the point of no return??? I got a very nice note saying I needed to blur it then it would be approved for the sight!! I felt so stupid but replied back that I realized it slightly too late but I'd be glad to fix it ASAP!!! OK enough please check facebook, K??? Thanks!!! If I don't hear from you before the weekend have a great one!!! I hope to get some flowers in the ground, I bought them last weekend and had good intentions but they are still sitting in the garage. Heck I haven't even gotten my veggie garden in and I so want to do that. Dave has been "under the weather" so to say, he had neuro surgery on C5 almost three years ago, they knew C6 was an issue also but did a single nerve block back then to see exactly which was causing the pain. He's been great since with a flare up here and there, until Friday evening. He was sore/had some pain but this time it got worse and didn't go away. I knew it was horrible when he agreed for me to make him a doctors appointment with the pain management doc who did the block. We went today and they don't feel he needs surgery at this time so they are going to try injections and see what that does. We are hopeful the steriod injection will do the trick this time, if not off to OR he goes!!! Lastly you and Yankeemom make me jealous you live close enough to have lunch!! ha ha
What a coincidence! Mine will be in Rota soon - but just for a few days. He is finishing up a deployment and headed stateside. My son carries his laptop with him because he goes all over! This deployment he actually go to spend some time on a ship.
I have Skyped with him while he was in other countries. It does work quite well. Sometimes he cannot be in a private place (like when he was on the ship) - so we just typed back and forth. At least it was "real time" conversation".
My son does not get stationed in Rota - that is just a jumpling off place for his other deployments. So, he has spent several weeks there - but that is all. I know that they have gotten to do some fun things while in Spain (like horseback ride through some mountains).
Hope this helps - but my son does not tell me a whole lot about where he is and what he is doing. I don't pressure him for too much information either.
May 18, 2011
Brenda Sue
What a coincidence! Mine will be in Rota soon - but just for a few days. He is finishing up a deployment and headed stateside. My son carries his laptop with him because he goes all over! This deployment he actually go to spend some time on a ship.
I have Skyped with him while he was in other countries. It does work quite well. Sometimes he cannot be in a private place (like when he was on the ship) - so we just typed back and forth. At least it was "real time" conversation".
My son does not get stationed in Rota - that is just a jumpling off place for his other deployments. So, he has spent several weeks there - but that is all. I know that they have gotten to do some fun things while in Spain (like horseback ride through some mountains).
Hope this helps - but my son does not tell me a whole lot about where he is and what he is doing. I don't pressure him for too much information either.
Jun 4, 2011
priscilla; FC wife
Jul 19, 2011