Hey! I saw your question about the MeetNGreet. It looks like Lynne has decided to have one for your PIR group at Anastasia's rather than attending the Ramada's event, which is open to all Navy families, not just Navy for Moms. Go to the top of the PIR 11/5 group page in the discussion area and you will find a discussion about the MeetNGreet with all of the info. Let me know if you need help!
Off to japan...I don't know...but my son said that his C-school may possibly be there...small world huh!! I'll keep my ears open...I bet there is a group on here for that...I will let you know!
I've been looking for you!! I sat behind you at PIR and have a couple great pics of your handsome son!!! Private message me your name and address and I would love to send them to you! Lori
Oct 19, 2010
Nov 8, 2010
Dec 3, 2010