

Richmond, CA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I'm a biology prof at UCD. I play banjo, and like dogs and horses.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
my niece couldn't have had otherwise. Not just money for college, eventually, but training to be a responsible adult.
Our Navy experience so far...
is challenging and exciting.

Comment Wall:

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Welcome to!   

    Head to “Settings” on the main page right away to add a profile image (no last names visible, please) and complete your Profile. Then - and this is important! - read these Community Guidelines and this Operations Security (OPSEC) Checklist, for the safety and privacy of all our Sailors.

    Then jump right in!  Browse around the site and check out the groups and the information in their Discussion Forums.

    Join this group for boot camp moms, where you'll also find a group for your Pass in Review (graduation) date; and this one for PIR Reference Information.  

    Get a head start during boot camp by joining groups for, and learning about, your Sailor's occupational specialty and "A" School; and later your Sailor's duty station and/or Navy ship and homeport. You can also join groups for your own state, region or home town and interests from getting ready for deployment to care package ideas!

    Please say Hi when you join a group, and feel free to ask any and all questions - everyone was new once, and there is no "dumb" question.  This site was created by the U.S. Navy just for you, and we look forward to getting to know you and your Sailor.  Welcome to the NAVY family - we're so glad you're here!!

    Your NAVYforMoms Admins

    Please note - there are blue hyperlinks up above.  Click on them and they will take you directly to the groups.

  • Chipmunk

    Brienne - Welcome to the Beyond BC group. Feel free to ask your question about your sailor's situation there. Or I can also see about directing the group members to your post. Most of them are fairly new to the Navy, but there are a couple of others who might have some answers. It has been a quiet few days on this site and some of even the ones that I rely on for information are dealing with life on the home front. 

  • Chipmunk


    Hi, I saw you had posted the following comment on the Main room chat. Unfortunately, most people do not see that easily on either their computer or phone. Also, the mom who use to keep an eye on it a lot while working from home has now retired and doing G'ma duties, so she is not around to volunteer for that. The group discussions generally go to everyone's email feed and are more likely to see the messages. 

    This was your question: 

    "My sailor applied for leave for dates before Xmas. Her boss suggested that she instead shoot for dates including Xmas, because she has a lot of days off then anyway. But the boss also said not to apply yet- she would let her know when to apply. Anyone have experience with this?"

    I do not know the exact answer, but these are my thoughts based on past experience and something my sailor gal mentioned to me yesterday. 

    1) - If your sailor has a lot of leave time accumulated, then it is in her best interest to take the time off that will give her the most leave. Sometimes even her Chief or LPO is not going to be able to give her exact dates of ship movement (if she is shore duty they should know) until it comes down from chain of command, but they had an idea and will be able to guide the sailor. Sailors are only allowed to accumulate so much leave time before they loose it. Through COVID they were allowing more to be held on to, but I believe that extension is no longer in operation for future accumulated time. 

    2) - I do not think you can put in a request for Holiday leave time until the holiday leave schedule has been posted. Then once it is posted they can apply for it. 

    So, her boss is telling her it is best to plan to come home at Christmas time when there might be more leave time available, is how I understand what you asked. 

    I hope this helps. 

    Please come join the conversations in the Beyond BC group. If you are not receiving email notifications of our comments you might have accidently turned them off either on the group page or on your email feed.